"How about I dance with you since your partner's not in this class?" Nat whispers to me.

I can tell she said that while I was zoned out earlier. I nod.

I go into first position and wait for the music to start. I sense Nat standing a few feet behind me.

The music starts. I lightly step away from my starting point, then turn and tap Nat's shoulder. She touches my hand and I start to move away. She pulls me back and we dance ballroom style. There's sashays and ballet elements.

I can barely breathe by the time she dips me.I stand back up and we separate. I see Nat glance at my waist, where her hand had been, and shake her head.

"The class has a heavy ballet influence so be prepared for sore toes." Nat says and everyone laughs.

She splits up the boys and girls. I walk to the middle of the girl half.

"Aimee, could you lead the girls?" Nat asks.

I look at Talia in the mirror. She was in the class last year. She knows the dance as well.

"I'm not as good at it." She whispers, pulling me forward.

Nat glances at me one more time and starts the count.

We run through it several times without music and once with.

"Great day, everyone." Nat says, after we've cooled down. "Practice and I'll see you the day after tomorrow."

She leaves and everyone flops to the floor.

"Second class of the day and I'm so tired." Says a new girl, who I think is named Gwen.

"I know. Give me fast- beat over slow any day." Talia says.

"Anyway, first lunch has started. Let's go!" Elliott yells and then bursts out the main door.

I shake my head as most of the class runs after him. Growing performing artists.

"Coming Aimee?" Gwen asks.

I feel bad I don't know her name for sure since she knows mine.

"No, I've got plans. But Wednesday?" I ask and Talia nods before dragging Gwen away.

I grab my water and leave the dance hall through the side door so I can avoid the main walkway and people.


So much for that. But at least, it's Nat.

"Hi, Nat. How have you been?"

"I'm good. Classes were great this year. And I got this class and a couple assisting classes. How have you been?"

"I've been good." I try to think of something to add but keep coming back to BITE. "Just school, dance, and such."

"Cool. Hey, I hope I didn't put you on the spot today." She says, looking at me.

"You didn't."

She's still looking at me.

"I'm serious, I was a little surprised but I didn't feel put on the spot." I say.

"Good. I was happy to see some people returning. Thinking of which, why are you in the class again?"

I don't reply.

"I mean Talia and a couple others couldn't pass on but you're not in this age group anymore. Why take this class instead of something else?"

"I'm sorry. I understood what you were saying. I was just stuck on 'thinking of which.'"

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