"The wind didn't do anything, you always look like shit." Valentina mumbled back, throwing clothes over her naked self.

            "Ha ha. Keep making jokes, as if I didn't just break in and could've possibly decided to actually rob you and steal any expensive stuff you have. I can still change my mind, those hats would look great on my 'shit' hair." Noelle pointed to the numerous beanies that hung on a hook, drying from the washing machine.

          "Eat my dick. How did you get in and also, why?"

           Valentina propped up, pausing the distant music that her headphones played. Her hand reaching to close the screen of her pink laptop against the keyboard before Noelle put her slim hand in between. Alarmed look aside, she opened the laptop back up, taking it from Valentina's hands, clicking off the Spotify website and typing a few things with a concentrated face.

    "We're gonna need this. You're such an emo, why do you always have to listen to such depressing music? And Sza? Really?"

             Awkwardly, Valentina slipped the duvet off her mostly bare legs, silk shorts covering her modesty. "Close your eyes and imagine I'm listening to Kehlani. Anyways. Stop judging my music and be getting to the point."

          "Why are you questioning why your bestest friend, that loves and cherishes you, is in your welcoming home? You should be happy I'm here." Noelle said, which only created a deeper annoyed frown from Valentina. In a defeated exhale, she admitted her faults with an immature mumble. "You've always told me, in case of emergencies, that the spare key is under the flower pot next to the front door."

          "And this is an emergency?" Valentina's eyebrow quirked.

    "Duh, dumbass." Noelle scrambled through tabs on the laptop screen, whilst another hand pushed the disarranged baby-blue strands of her wig out of her frantic eyes. "It's about that-that guy. Victor, Vance..?"

A beat passed. "Which guy?"

      Noelle rolled her eyes with a dramatic scoff followed shortly by. That was the only time she peeled her attention off the laptop screen and it was only for a couple seconds.

    "You're only like fifty percent stupid, so right now, use that other fifty percent of non-stupid. You know exactly who I'm talking about, you literally told me to look at his background months ago. That pretty boy. That one that is simply obsessed with you."

           "Yes, I did. Months ago. I don't give a shit about any of that anymore and besides, no one is obsessed with me-"

             "Shuut the fuck up, here we are!" Noelle's erratic fingers stilled, curving the laptop towards the other direction for Valentina to see exactly what she needed to see.

          "This." A skinny finger pointed at an unclear picture of two white males posing besides each other in dark lighting. Valentina edged towards vanity table that the laptop rested on, her eyes focusing on the image as the picture complied together in her mind. Oh. Oh, for fucks sake.

       Vinnie, with a brisk smile, has his hand clasped with the most hated senator of California, the balding man with a poised posture held a very large, silver framed painting- the unimportant painting of a field withered with dying roses the main point of the picture. From a insignificant stand point, this picture should be unsuspecting to a normal viewer. Alas, Valentina was no normal viewer. This was her Vinnie delivering a personal painting to a very racist politician. She leant back once her thoughts collected together. That fucker.

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