They all laughed as they broke off into smaller groups, chatting incessantly as they made their way to the stairs.

Valerie decided to fall behind, reaching into the car to open the trunk so she could grab her things. She knew she was only staying for two months, but had stuffed a third of her closet into a total of 3 bags.

She reached in the large trunk space and started to tug on one of the bags when his voice peeked out from the side of the car.

"Uhm, You need help with that?" Bucky asked.

"No, I'm good. Thanks" Valerie answered quickly. A little too quickly.

"You sure?" He pressed.

"I'm good" She responded quickly again.

Bucky reached over her arm and grabbed the bag, the heat from his body lingered behind her, and his arm softly brushed against hers as he pulled her bag from the trunk.

"Thanks" She said, trying her hardest not to look up at him as she pulled out the smaller bag and threw it over her shoulder.

"My pleasure," His polite and formal response made her wanna roll her eyes, but she quickly remembered her sunglasses were off. Bucky grabbed the last bag and lifted his hand to pull down the trunk. When Valerie took a couple of steps back she ended up doing exactly what she had been trying to avoid the entire time, looking at him.

Their eyes met, and everything froze. The two of them were looking at each other for what felt like an eternity. He looked good. Too good. So fucking good. His shirt fully unbuttoned with a white tank resting against his his toned body and thin gold chain resting on his chest. His hair had grown since she saw him last, currently looking like he had been running in the sun, all fluffy from the wind. His skin was tanned and shiny, a slight stubble covering his jaw and cheeks.

"h-hi" he managed, after taking her in the same way she had been doing with him.

"hey" She smiled.

"I-" Bucky began but was interrupted by a loud screeching noise coming from the house.

"VAL!!!!" The two girls screamed in unison as they stomped down the stairs, running towards her at top speed. Both MJ and Wanda had made it there before her.

Valerie forcefully ripped her gaze from Bucky and turned to the girls, "aah, my girls!" she responded with the same enthusiasm as they almost tackled her in the driveway.

"Oh my god! Look at you!!" Wanda screamed, the excitement in her voice was enough to last them all a lifetime. "You look SO hot!" She held Valerie at an arm's length as she stared her up and down with a gaping mouth.

Valerie just rolled her head back and laughed, hugging them both again before going inside.

The large front door was decorated with pillars on each side, a wrap around porch, and three stories. When she entered the den, the familiar smell hit her. Her mother had baked cookies, of course. Valerie took a second to gather herself, put on her best smile and entered further into the house, joining everyone else in the kitchen.

She could see Steve and Sam leaning over the counter, eating the cookies. Her aunt Jen was chatting it up with her mother, and in the corner her brother sat, arm wrapped around the beautiful red head that couldn't be anyone else but Sophie.

When Valerie stepped into the kitchen, the room fell silent for a moment, but Bruce immediately stood to his feet and waved her over.

"Valerie, this is my fiancé, Sophie. Sophie, my sister" he gestured between the two women.

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