I know you

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"Wake up lizy." My mom ordered

" Please just 5 more minutes. " I whined.

"No liz. You promised that you will  help me with grocery shopping. "Said mom

"Fine. " I accepted my defeat.

I didn't have any choice.  Why I promised? It's  sunday and all I want is to sleep.
I have to help mom. But grocery shopping, I don't like it. 

I took a shower and wear my casual clothes, nothing special.  I went downstairs and had my breakfast.

"Morning liz." Said my dad.

"Morning dad." I kissed my dad on forehead.

"So what will you buy for me liz?" My dad chuckled

"I don't know dad." I replied

"Both of you eat your breakfast. " Mom order.

"Yes mommy." I and my dad said in unison. And we all laughed

I love my family.  I'm lucky to have such nice parents.  All my life they have protected me, loved me. I wish I could stay with my family forever .

"It's time to remember. " I heard a voice in my head.

I looked around and no one else was there except my parents .

"Liz are you ok?" My mom asked with concern.

"Yeah." I lied instantly.

Mom and I head towards the grocery store . We purchased all the necessary stuff that we needed.

"Liz I think I left my phone. " My mom panicked

"Relax mom. I'll get it back. " I replied gently.

"It's ok liz. I'll get it. You go and keep this stuff in car and wait for me." Said my mom.

"Okey dokey." I replied.

God this bag is heavy. How am I going to carry it?

"Need some help with those bags?" Someone said to me .

Why is this voice so familiar to me? It's the beautiful voice I've ever heard.
I turned around and he was standing. His smile is so beautiful. I know him but I never met him before.  What is thia strange feeling?

''Elijah." I whispered.

I saw emma standing near Elijah.  What's going on? How do I know his name? What's emma doing here?

"Are you fine miss?" His voice brought me back from my thoughts 

"Yes elijah. I mean are you elijah? No no no..  I  uhhh ummmm . I should go." I panicked 

"Wait. Let me help you." He said politely.  Coming closer to me. " And yes I'm elijah. " He added.

"I'm sorry. I uhhh I  just ... you look so familiar. " I replied nervously.

"You don't have to apologise. " He replied  and took both bags from me.

"At least let me carry one. " I suggested.

"It's fine lizy." He replied calmly  .

"How..  How do you know my name?" I asked

''I heard from your mother. " He chuckled.


"Liz who is this gentlemen?" My mom asked looking at elijah.

Before I could even reply, elijah replied to my mom .
"Hello Mrs Martin.  I'm Elijah Michaelson." He said.

"Ok. How do you know my daughter elijah?" My mom asked curiously.

"Mrs Martin I assure you that your daughter  is  safe with me. And you wouldn't mind if I take lizy for couple of hours.  She'll be back before dinner . " Said Elijah.

"Of course you can take her. " replied mom

"What?" I said shockingly.

"It's ok." Elijah smirked

My mom went and I was  all alone with elijah .
He took me in his car. First it was all weird.  I mean why wouldn't it be weird.  I know a stranger name. I saw emma beside him and he convinced my mother in just one freaking sentence.

"Where are we going?'' I asked awkwardly.

"Liz I'm not a kidnapper. I won't harm you and deep down you know it." Elijah replied.

Elijah is right. Somehow I know that he won't hurt me. But where are we even going?

"Wait I. . I remember this way. Do you know kent?" I asked 

"Yes. We live together. " Elijah replied.
"Since when? I thought he lived alone ." I asked rudely

''Now he's with me.  I can't run from my responsibility. " He replied 

"What responsibility?" I asked curiously

"Liz please can you stop playing rapid fire with me." He requested

"Well ummm do .  Do you know aurora?" I asked Elijah.

"Yes. She was my lover. " He replied looking at me.

Lover? Why am I angry? I barely know this guy and I'm jealous. But Katherine is dead.

No liz you can't do this to yourself. Snap out of it. 

"Elijah do you still love aurora? I mean that she's gone and..

Elijah cuts me off.

"I can wait a thousand of years for my beloved aurora. " Elijah said and touched my hand.

We arrived at kent's place but he was not there. I asked elijah about kent and he told me that kent wanted to have some alone time so he went. All the time that I spend  with elijah was ruined by emma.

All the time she was whispering his name in my ears. I was barely able to hide the fact that I was seeing a little girl beside him.

"Liz I had a great time with you. "Said elijah.

"Yeah me too."I replied shyly.

"Kent will be here any time soon as we speak.  Liz I  want you to listen me clearly. " He paused and said "You didn't have a good time with me. You thought that I was just wasting your time for my stupid crush and...

I cuts elijah off.

"What are you talking elijah? I enjoyed being with you.  And you were definitely not wasting my time. "I said touching elijah's cheek.

"Am I disturbing you guys?" Kent chuckled.

"You're here." Elijah and I said in unison.

"Kent can I talk to you for a second?" Elijah asked kent.

"Yeah sure." Said kent walking towards elijah.

"She can't be compelled. " Said elijah

"What do you mean by she can't be compelled?" Kent asked curiously.

"She's our aurora. " Elijah said.

"But she's human  and humans can be compelled not unless when they are on vervain. . " Said kent.

"She's not on vervain. She is somehow unlocking her powers. " elijah said surprisingly.

"But I thought that first she have to unlock her memories and then her powers."  Kent said.

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