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"Matt please stop staring at me." I said to matt.

"I'm sorry liz. I didn't mean to stare at you..
You look beautiful. " said matt.

"Let's go for the party. " said matt while giving me a smile.

It took as about half an hour to reach at Jackson's house. Whow Jackson definitely know how to throw a party.. Everyone was having fun.

"Finally you guys are here." Said malia while hugging me and matt

"You look beautiful liz." Said laura while hugging me.

" thanks  laura. How are you?" I replied back.

"I'm fine. Now let's go and have some fun"  said laura while laughing.

I'm lucky to have such nice friends.  I asked matt to ask malia for a dance to which he shyly agreed.  Everyone knew how malia feels about matt.. They were dancing together.  Jackson was with laura. And i was watching them..

"Hey liz.  Tom is totally checking you out. You should talk to him. He'll be really happy. " said sarah.

" sarah i don't like tom. He's just a friend.  I don't have any feelings for him" i said to sarah while waving at tom.

"Ok. Let's dance.. we can't just sit around and watch other people having fun" said sarah while  grabbing my arm and taking me to the dance floor.

We were dancing and having fun. Malia was very happy with matt. She knew that I asked matt to dance with her.. They both look really good together. 

Is that a little girl?  What's a little girl doing at a party like this?  Wait that's emma. What she's doing here?  Am i hullucinating. I thought emma can only visit me on my dreams. Then how is she here.. I followed her.  I left the party without telling anyone.  I was running after emma but she was just running.  I guess she wanted me to follow her.
Soon we were in woods.

"Emma how are you even here?  I thought you can visit me on my dreams. " i said to emma while walking towards her.

"He's watching you liz. Remember who you really are. " said emma .

And then she disappeared.  I was looking for her but she was nowhere to be found.  I was worried about her.. what the hell are you trying to tell me emma?  Who's watching me?  What do I have to remember? I have so many questions but I don't have any any answers.  Only emma can tell me.

" who's out there?  Why are you watching me?  I was yelling.

Great now I'm officially a crazy person.
I have to go back before anyone notice that i left the party. I don't want everyone to worry about me.

" where were you? We were worried about you liz." Said malia while hugging me.

"I was outside. You don't have to worry guys.  I was out for just half an hour. i said while looking at everyone.

"Half an hour? Liz you were gone for  more then 3 hours." Said matt while giving me his anger look.

" what? Three hours? I'm sorry. I have no idea what happened to me. " i replied.

"It's ok liz. The only thing that matters is your safety. Matt you should drop her home. It's already too late. Liz should get some rest." Said jackson.

"Yes." Said matt.

I told matt that i am waiting for him near his car.
I was all alone outside still trying to think what emma told me. Why do i have a feeling that someone is watching me. I looked around and I saw someone .
I was walking towards him slowly and slowly.  Why the hell am i nervous? Is this the person who's watching me? Who is this stranger? Why I'm not scared of him? He's handsome and attractive.  Who are you stranger?

"Liz let's go. " said matt.

I looked at matt but when i turned around that stranger was gone like he was never there.  I looked for him but i couldn't find him.

I told matt there was someone here and now he's gone. He told me that I should get some rest.. He dropped me to my place. I went inside my house and my mom waiting for me with a worried look on her face. I knew that she wanted to have a conversation but i was not in mood to have any sort of conversation.
I told my mom that I'm tired and i want some rest.

I went straight to my room and started to change my clothes. My mind was completely shut. I have no idea what emma meant by saying those  things. And who was that stranger?

Why am i thinking about him? Why can't i stop thinking about him?  All these questions were hounding me.
And i was trying to sleep and praying for god to make Emma  visit me in my dream.

shadow princeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora