The Invincible Villain

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One way to be successful as a villain is to be verbally disabled, as in mute.

Everyone knows the villain always loses because the hero baits them to monologue, giving them time to make an escape plan. We have all watched Phineas and Ferb as kids, and we know Dr. Doofenshmirtz could never take over the Tri State area because he always monologued to Perry The Platypus.

Not our boy Vengeance tho, no one could trick him to reveal his plans and secrets to any captive hero. When the world ran on the magic of gifted children, Vengeance, or Taylor, was gifted yet mute.

Now, there is a boy in front of Taylor.
No, not a boy, a villain.
No, not a villain, a hero, as people call him.

Sitting on a chair, hands tied to his back, mouth covered with a black cloth, Crimson Blade, Vengeance's arch nemesis.

The Hero Society had specifically appointed Crimson to rival Vengeance. His powers were manipulating plants while Vengeance's was manipulation of Air and Water. The two things a plant needs.

The room they were in was 60 feet above the ground, with no plants nearby. However, there was a bucket of water conveniently placed outside. He was sure Crimson was aware of it.

Even though Crimson was in a place of no power, his eyes showed that he was anything but defeated.

Vengeance slowly approached the hero and snached the cloth that covered his mouth. There was a frown on Crimson's face, like he was mildly annoyed at best.

"Untie my hands." The hostage said loud and clear, like he wasn't the one who could die at Vengeance's commands.

"You must have a lot of confidence to say that, considering your position." Another voice boomed in the room. Vengeance's henchman, Rival. Rival did the talking for Vengeance, and Vengeance always made sure she wasn't aware of the whole plan so she couldn't monologue.

"Well yea, I may not be wearing sleeves but I do have tricks up—"

"QUIET!" said Rival, "Remember where you are Crimson Blade, you are not safe with those dogs who always follow you. You are alone and powerless, and in our mercy. If you negotiate properly, you may leave unharmed. If not, may whatever God you worship be by your side."

Crimson was quiet. It seemed like for the first time since he was awoken in this room, he was scared. Vengeance signed at Rival to continue.

"Since we want peace, let us trade. Jaque Williams retires from the presidency, and we don't blow up the House. It's either he leaves in peace, unharmed, or he dies a painful death." Rival moved forward, so that Crimson could see her now. A smile formed on her face. "We will be letting you go, but you need to sign a treaty too. If Jaque Williams does not retire, you will retire from your position as a hero. Say, what is the point of being a hero if you can't protect your president?" Rival chuckled.

Crimson looked uncomfortable for once. He knew there were probably around five heroes looking for him at that moment, he could drag the time enough for them to find him, but he would have to get tortured. Vengeance looked at him like he was asking him whether he agreed to the deal or not, and Crimson hesitated.

"Why do you want the president to retire?" That was the safest option. He would not only know the reason, but also waste some time.

"Why do you want to know period pad boy? It's private and you don't need to know it." Well fuck there goes his plan outta the non-existent window.

"Well- well how will I know if the paper I'm signing is not a guarantee of my death?"

Both Vengeance and Rival looked judgmentally at Crimson and then he realised that he had eyes. Crimson watched Vengeance sign at Rival to bring the paper, and Rival soon disappeared from the room.

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