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Chapter 01.

Kayne Leigh was a beautiful male mermaid with long golden curly hair and a tail as yellow as the sun. He wore a pretty decoration around his neck, a gift from his mother, and it was inscribed with his name. He was an idol in the mermaid kingdom and adored by all.

But Kayne's heart craved something more. He was an omega, and he knew that he needed an alpha to complete him. He longed for someone to protect him and love him unconditionally. He knew it was rare to find true love in this world, but he never gave up on the hope of it.

One day, Kayne was swimming in the moonlit waters, enjoying the tranquil silence when he heard a distant noise. It was the sound of war. He had only heard about war in stories but had never witnessed it before.

As he swam closer, he saw a group of soldiers fighting against a single figure. It was an alpha, a warlord of mythical proportions. His name was Zavexir Lyne, and he was one of the most dangerous and scary alphas in the country.

Kayne watched as the warlord fought with unmatched power and skill, stunning the soldiers with ease. Kayne knew he should leave, but he felt drawn to the alpha. He had never seen someone so powerful before.

As the battle ended, Zavexir caught Kayne's eye, and their gazes met. Something clicked between them. They both felt a connection that they couldn't explain, and it shook them to their very core.

Days passed, and Kayne couldn't stop thinking about the alpha. He felt drawn to him, and he knew he had to see him again. He decided to seek Zavexir out, and upon finding him, he asked him one question.

"Will you protect me?"

Zavexir didn't hesitate and said yes.

Thus, began their journey together. Kayne and Zavexir were an unlikely couple, but their love was pure, and it bloomed with each passing day. The alpha protected the omega with his life, and the omega loved the alpha with his whole heart. They were each other's missing piece.

As they explored the world, they realized that their love was not accepted in society. However, they didn't let that stop them. They fought for their love and for their right to be together.

But one day, as they were traversing through a forest, they were attacked by a group of alpha pheromone hunters. They were out to kill them, and they showed no mercy. The couple fought back with all their might, but it was no use. They were outnumbered and outmatched.

As Kayne lay there, bleeding and broken, he thought of all the love he had shared with Zavexir. He knew that he had found his soulmate and that he wouldn't have it any other way.

Zavexir held Kayne close as he took his last breath and declared his love for him one last time.

But as fate would have it, Kayne was reborn once again, with a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that his love with Zavexir would always be there, and he vowed to fight for their love, no matter what.

Kayne and Zavexir's love story became a legend in the mermaid kingdom, and it was the tale that all the mermaids adored. It proved that true love could conquer all and that nothing could break the bond between two hearts.

The End.

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