The nightmare

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A/N: Another Keenler comfort oneshot, I'm just writing and writing after not updating or publishing for days, enjoy another Keenler, Angels. (This is a future! fic with Keenler.)

She's running through the forest, tripping over tree trunks and roots. She falls over a root and goes rolling down a hill that's covered in pieces of sharp branches, the branches cutting her entire body despite the Kevlar vest she's wearing underneath her clothes, landing in something wet and sticky. Getting to her knees, she brings her hand to cover her face to shield her eyes from the blazing sun when she sees the red substance coating her hands.


But whose is it?

It's certainly not hers, at least she's not bleeding that much to be coating her whole hands.

She spots someone a few feet away from her, laying on the ground. She gets to her feet and staggers to the figure, stifling a scream as she sees the blood covering them. Even though their face is covered with blood. She knows who they are.

Who he is.


Tears spring to her eyes as she drops down to her knees beside him, wiping the blood off his handsome face.

"Ressler? Ressler, can you hear me?" She asks, knowing that he's dead. "Ressler, wake up!" She pleads, tears streaming down her face. Ressler doesn't wake up no matter how much she begs, shakes him and cries for him.

He remains dead.

"Ressler, please come back to me, you said you'd always be here for me." She sobs, burying her face in his blood stained, t-shirt clad, un-beating chest. "Come back to me!" She shouts through her sobs. Right now she's not an FBI profiler right now she's just a woman who has just lost the real love of her life, her husband. She doesn't know how long she's been laying on his chest and crying but eventually she hears his voice as if he's talking in her ear.

"Keen, wake up." He orders her. She blinks as tears roll down her face. Why is he telling her to wake up when he's dead? She ignores him and continues to cry into him. She silently vows to find who killed her partner and make them suffer just like they made him suffer as she cries.

"Elizabeth, wake up!" Ressler orders sternly.

She feels herself fading, thinking 'I promise I'll get you justice' as she looks at his handsome bloodstained face for the last time.

Liz bolts awake with sweat clinging to her skin, tears falling down her face, staring into the blue eyes of Donald Ressler, her partner, her husband.

"You okay?" He asks her worriedly. Liz just looks at him, not saying anything.

"No!" She says finally. "I dreamt you were dead. You left me." She says with even more tears falling down her face at the memory of him on the forest floor dead with blood covering him. She's suddenly in his arms, her head in his neck, his hands rubbing her back, his voice floating into her ear.

"I'm not leaving you. You're my wife, my partner. I love you, Elizabeth Ressler-Keen." Her husband says softly. Liz lifts her head from his neck and kisses him deeply.

"I'm never leaving you, Elizabeth Ressler-Keen." Her husband promises as they pull away. Liz nods her head, fully believing her husband when he says he'll never leave her.

A\N: This is my third Keenler oneshot in one day, I think it's the most stories I've published in one day. Enjoy Angels. 

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