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Jadens Pov

"WTF AUSTIN?!" I shouted as I walked into my cabin. "What?" He shrugged."WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'what?' YOU COULDVE FUCKING KILLED HER?!"
I shouted,causing all attention in the room go to us. "Ok?She should've worn smth less revealing?" He shrugged and turned around."WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!WE WERE GOING SWIMMING!WHAT DID YOU EXPECT HER TO WEAR?!" I shouted again."MAYBE SHE SHOULDVE WORN A ONE PIECE!OR WORN SMTH OVER IT?!" He said." "Wtf Austin..." Javon said looking down at his phone."what?" Austin said turning around.

Javon flipped his phone so me and Austin could see what he was doing.It showed a video of him drowning y/n and dropping her on the deck...He tried to touch her but the person recording quickly ran over,the video ended right before the person spoke.

"AUSTIN WHAT THE FUCK!" Javon yelled.Austin stayed silent and sat on his bed."who took that video?" He said,looking mad asf."I DONT KNOW BUT WHY WOULD YOJ DO THAT?!" Javon shouted."NO ONE BUT ME CAN HAVE HER!?" Austin shouted."NO!SHE ISNT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR YOU ONCE I SHOW HER THIS VIDEO!?" Javon said shaking his head and running out the door."WAIT!" Austin said,springing up and following Javon.

Y/n Pov

I was about tl fall asleep when the cabin door burst open,revealing Javon out of breath?"javon what if we were naked?!" I said sitting up."THANK GOD YOUR AWAKE!LOOK!" He said and showed me his phone screen...

"Oh my god..." I said and covered my mouth.Austin was about to come inside but Javon slammed and locked the door on him."what's going on?" Madison groaned sitting up.Me and Javon explained to her what was happening and she sat there shocked!

Javon dropped the phone and yelled at the door."GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING PERVERT!" Then we heard one of the counselors coming...

"Shit uh..." I said trying to find somewhere for Javon to hide!But I couldn't.The counselor opened the door and saw Javon and all of the girls awake."why are you in here?!" He said."It's just-there's a lot to explain and I'm tired...I'll tell you tomorrow..." Javon sighed and left.

I wasn't able to sleep that night.

The next morning I wake up do my normal routine then decide to skip breakfast.I went to a little park in the area.I was enjoying nature,until someone sits next to me."uh here I got you pancakes..." Jaden said,giving me a container wirh pancakes in it."aww thanks?!" I said grabbing the container.

While I was eating he kept staring at me?"got a staring problem Jay?" I smirked at him."huh-oh no?" He stuttered.We looked at the park and I set the container on the bench besides me while I ran to the swings.

"WAIT!" Jaden yelled from behind me."HAHA!" I giggled as I sat on the swings.He say in the swing next to me.We talked for a bit until it got dark."let's go back now..." Jaden got off the swing."ok!" I said,jumping from the swing and landing on the wood chips."what the fu..." Jaden cut himself off and walked with me.

We made it back to camp and thankfully it was lunch time so we went and got our food and sat down."what were y'all two doing...alone?" Jayla smirked at us. "swinging?" I replied."mhm..." she squinted her eyes at me.I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

Later in the cabin the girls kept asking me what me and Jaden did...ALL WE DID WAS FUCKING SWING!

"Y'all were alone,far from camp,for see how we think that?" Madison asked."yeah but we didn't do shit!All we did was swing!" I said."yeaaa sureeee..." Jayla mumbled and went to bed."im tired of this." I got up and left the cabin,going to the park.

"Your not aloud to be here right now?" Jaden said from behind me."huh-oh I know it's just they kept bothering me of the park..." k said."same here." He sighed and sat next me,extra close this time...

"HELLO?" We heard one of the counselors shout."SHIT!" Jaden yelled/whispered to me.He pulled us behind the slide and kept a lookout for if the counselor was gone,at some point he did leave.Me and Jaden stayed there to breath and calm down,then we went and sat back on the bench.

After around 2 minutes of talking Jaden noticed how my leg was bouncing so he put his hand on it to stop it. K jumped at how cold his hands were."oh sorry..." he said taking his hand off my thigh."it's ok...let's get back?" K said before standing up.

While walking away Jaden grabbed my arm and turned me around so I was facing him,just inches away!Before I could say anything he kissed me,it didn't last long before he pulled away,leaving me speechless!

I liked Jaden since the first summer of summer camp!i never told him cause I thought he would use it against me whenever he pranks me.I felt like he didn't like me.

"I'm...sorry..." he stuttered.He tried walking away but I grabbed him and kissed him.Even if this was a prank it was one that was worth it.

Summer camp (Jaden Walton)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now