chapter 4:

204 0 2

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Aces arrived their getting situated their new surroundings. Hockey Zachary & riggs came with the stuff they can show to 501st.

Minna: or leaders of this world wanted to meet you sir. If that's possible?

Hockey: sure. We will not share our tech with them. But will share with your squadron & many other witch squadrons only

Zachary: back in the day there has been power hungry people like you said warmongers

Mio: at least you guys cared more about us

Their done setting up. They begin to show what they have.

(Something like this but different)

Hockey: our male schoolships are much bigger than girl schoolships because in case we face a apocalyptic event or nuclear war & climate change. We relocate to live on those ships. Titan served as a main flagship. Its technology is unknown at this time & the first gigantic fortress class super carrier to have a built in planetwide sattlelite system. When we got warped here it activated on its own

Riggs: it activated the others too. Once where done here with your current main objective. Katyusha mika & maria, kamara raging blizzard & wilson. They decided to plot a course to other witch squadrons

Minna: good idea. I can see where that's going ja

Mio: so your military?

Zachary: will start with aircraft. Titan shadow enterprise peter strasser 2 & Hakuryuu no pat carriers has millions of land & navy based aircraft. Each of them different & various roles

Riggs: mains ones are called f35E panthers stealth fighter meaning fly undetected with varius multirole weapons. We upgraded f22a raptors, f15EX fighters a10 warthogs ac130 gunships, b2s b21 raiders f18 block 3s & with millions of  resources we have. We brought in old famous f14s into tomcat ST21.

hockey: i was so happy to bring them back😁

Minna: so what about orussian carrier oh .. sorry the " russian " no pat school carrier & British school male carrier?

Hockey: kamara & cyclone's school has su57 felons, mig 29Ks,su35s, su34 fullbacks, British carrier no pat schoolship has f35E, upgraded typhoon, & 6th generation tempest fighters bad co carrier has same thing but they have redale ms for the bc academy

Mio: 6 generation fighters!?

Minna: so according to this .. tablet gizmo thing. You have 4th 5th & 6th generation fighters

Mio: we saw strange aircraft that hovers each of them are different

Gertrude comes in

Trude: i like to know too

Hockey: there called helicopters


Zachary: condor one without rotorblades its a different story

Mio: such a unique design

Riggs: rotary flight technology first invented back in our world. November 13th 1907

Minna: ehh!?

Trude: hehehe i haven't seen a single one

Zachary: i can imagine why. Ones you saw are little birds. Big ones are called apache warchiefs, & AH - 1Z vipers

Trude: so about the warcheifs?

Zachary: warchiefs are based on previous infamous apache attack helicopters, its not the fastest, go about 160 miles per hour, not as maneuverable nor its not the prettiest. But it can pack a power punch

Minna pov:

Looking at trude she looks extremely interested.

Trude: go on

Hockey: warchiefs has for the main pilot. Its main called AA- 11 ir missile. Air to ground missile, wire guided missile

Minna: mein gott

Mio: i noticed its a two seater?

Zachary: yes it is. Gunner has control of a 30mm cannon. Fires high explosive or incindary. 1 makes bodies flying everywhere the other makes bodies burn.

Trude: MEIN GOTT💗. Forgive me i am a heavy weapons person

Riggs: we can tell. Vipers has the similar weapons but smaller since their based from the old super cobra little bird has twin gatling guns & missiles

Minna: what about the condor?

Hockey: condor is a vtol like the f35E panthers. Vtol stands for vertical take off landing. Condor can hover like a helicopter. It can fly like a airplane

Zachary: not really the fastest though in airplane mode but fast enough to get there were you need to go

Trude: i noticed it had guns

Hockey: yep. 40mm grenade launcher, 50 mm cannon, second gunner weapons 2X mini gun pods

Trude: .... minigun?

The 3 looked at each other. So they click on a video.


Hockey: we feild ones. I noticed you carry 2 MG42S

Zachary: speaking of witch you aces need a upgrade. Were giving our guns to you. With explosive based ammunition or pentrator ammunition

Minna: oh ..... danke


Minna: oh i know mio. Lets go outside. I wanna see what your tanks & other ground weapons do before we get to the navy warships

To be continued:


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