Chapter One

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It's 2012. You sign into your fan account and see that someone followed you. Their username is ratchetandsassy. You giggle at their username and follow them back. You send them a message saying, "Hey :)" just to start a friendly conversation. You had no way of knowing what the future would hold for the two of you...

You're in class when you get a notification that this ratchetandsassy person messaged you back. They said "Hey, what's up?" You introduce yourself and where you're from and ask them the same. "My name's Camila and I'm from Florida." You slowly become friends with this girl and begin talking to eachother everyday for months, following eachother on Instagram, adding eachothers Snapchats and sending cute photos daily, to becoming so close that you even give eachother your numbers so you can text.
This girl tells you so much about herself and you do the same. When your parents were having problems, she was there for you. When your big brother passed away, she ached to be by your side just to hold you while you cried. During your struggles with depression and trying to find a sense of self worth, she was always there to remind you how beautiful and worthy you were. She has always made you feel so safe and you trust her with anything. She's your best friend, but you sometimes wish you could be more.. Somewhere in between all the long nights on the phone and the silly Snapchats, you fell in love with her.. You planned on telling her the next chance you got..

One day Camila texted you that she needed to Skype you to tell you something really important. You sign into Skype and answer her call. "Hey y/n, I may audition for that show the xfactor... I don't know if i'll be good enough but I just want to try.." She hesitates. "Camila, you're so talented, those judges would be stupid to turn you down." You insist. Camila smiles while she fiddles with her guitar. "Thank you." "Um.. I kinda had something important to tell you as well....." You hesitate.
"What is it?" Camila looks at her screen to study your face.
"I just wanted to tell you that you make me feel safe and have saved me from myself so many times. You're an incredible human being and I don't know where I'd be without you. You make me feel like the strongest and most beautiful girl on earth...I love you, camila." You look down.
Camila is silent for a moment so you look back up at the screen. She's smiling. "I love you too, y/n. I've never felt like this about anyone before.... You are my rock and you make me feel like I could do something with my voice. I wouldn't have even considered this XFactor audition if you hadn't pushed me to upload that Demi cover to YouTube a few weeks ago.. You help me become a better me and I love you."
You feel your cheeks becoming hot and can't find words. Camila decides to use your silence to her advantage to show you her options for her XFactor audition. She sits her guitar aside and sings three different songs; "What Makes You Beautiful" by 1D, RESPECT by Aretha Franklin, and A Team by Ed Sheeran. She makes you pick your favorite and you choose RESPECT. She smiles and says, "I thought you'd like that one." It's getting late, so you both lie down beside your laptops and fall asleep on skype together.

A few weeks later, it's time for camila's audition. The entire day you're nervous to hear from her and can barely focus in class. You know she has the talent to make it through but don't know if she has the chance. There were so many people there the last time she informed you of the auditions and she didn't know if she would even get to audition. After school, you still haven't heard from her. You have a weird feeling in your stomach. Suddenly, Camila calls you.
"Hey, y/n..." Camila sounds upset.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Well, I didn't even get the chance to audition today... They said that I could come back tomorrow but there's only a 1% chance I could even get an audition. I don't even think it's worth the time..."
"Camila.. 1% is more than 0%.. you have a chance; It
may be slim but it's still a chance, babe. You should take it. You already told your teachers you weren't gonna make it to school the next two days so you might as well try again.. please, for me?"
"Thank you, y/n. I needed to hear that. I'll try again.. Just for you."
You smile. "Good. Well I have to sleep because some of us have school tomorrow instead of taking our first step of becoming a huge star. So goodnight, beautiful. I love you."
Camila giggles. "Yeah, I'm going to become so rich and famous and we can fly to places like London and Australia." Camila scoffs. "Yeah, right."
You smile. "Camila, I believe in you and I know your dreams will come true. Goodnight."
Camila sighs. "I hope they can... Goodnight, y/n.. sweet dreams."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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