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Akshara a music therapist was suffering from panic attacks and anxiety issues ever since her husband and a very renowned surgeon Dr. Abhimanyu Birla lost his life while saving people when a fire broke out at their hospital. In order to cope up with her trauma she decides to leave udaipur and joins a hospital at nagpur where she meets Dr Satya, who lost his wife Dr. Sai to cancer.

When Dr Satya met akshara for the first time he was lost in her voice, her voice at healing powers. Dr Satya 's optimistic approach was what akshara needed to come out of her trauma.

They say Love happens when you least expect it and truly for Satya and Akshara who lost their loved one it wasn't easy to fall in love again but love is not something you go and look out for instead it finds you.

With each passing day, Satya and Akshara's love grew stronger and they supported each other in every way possible. Akshara even introduced music therapy in the hospital, which proved to be a great success in treating patients and uplifting their mood.

As they moved forward in their relationship, they both realized that their deceased partners will always hold a special place in their hearts, but they have a chance to create a new beautiful life together. They decided to get married and start afresh.

Their journey wasn't easy, but they prevailed through their love and support for each other. They proved that love can heal all wounds and make life beautiful again. As they say, "when one door closes, another one opens", and for Satya and Akshara the door to a beautiful life opened as they found love in unexpected circumstances.

like "I never thought love could happen again after losing Sai", and "you have the power to heal with your music", their love story touched the hearts of many. And as they walked down the aisle, hand in hand, they knew that their love was a symbol of hope for those who have lost their loved ones.

Together, they continued to spread love and positivity, and Akshara's music became a source of comfort for many patients and their families. They proved that life can be beautiful even after losing someone you love, and that love has the power to heal.

As they sat under the stars, holding each other close, they knew that their journey was far from over. But with love by their side, they knew that anything was possible. And as they looked forward to the future, they knew that they were stronger together, and that nothing could ever come between them.

Author's note: Hello this is the first shot it's not that good to be honest but i was so annoyed with ghkkpm that i didn't write about this shot at all but i wrote it now so hope you enjoy it 🫂

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