LOG 3 - Real Identity(?)

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Tori have been following the lines for a long time, literally no signs of Stance's print at all.

Tori: painted I guess I'm just gonna rest a bit... - She sits on the bench on the top of the tower and take a good ol' break.

Suddenly, a voicecall come from Nikal, but it seems to ring faster.

Nikal: heavy breathing Lord have mercy! You're okay?!

Tori noticed that Nikal's tone seems abnormal.

Tori: What? Uhm yeah, I'm fine. Why? - She asks weirdly

Nikal: heavy breathing The shopping centre... It's-- It's-- - She stuttered in fear

Tori: Slow down, girlie.  What's happening? - She tried to comfort her with all might

Nikal: The shopping centre-- It's--It's collapsing! Your mom is inside it and she needs you! - She sounds like she's crying, and she seems like she's outside Tori's apartment

Tori shocked about that news and changes the entire atmosphere around her.

Tori: First, the post office, now the shopping centre is collapsing?! Are you safe?!

Nikal: I got out, but your mom is still inside it since I can't rush to save her or I might-- Eh I'll explain everything later! You better go to Anymo shopping centre! You can't miss it! - She rushly disconnects

Tori: Thank you, Nikal! ........... Nikal? Hey, girl answer! I better get to there to save mom and Nikal! - She even worrier and worrier

She went to the shopping centre as the lines are also connected to the place where the shopping centre is.

Tori: That was perfect timing. But wait, does that means Stance caused this?! Oh damn you... - She shock with fear

Tori finally went to the shopping centre. It's slowly collapsing and flames rising at the top. There's actually some unecesarry lightning bolts at the top of the centre.

She tried to enter the shopping centre and tried to find her mom.

Tori: Mom... MOM! - She yells with fear

Nikal: She's safe! She finally made it out! - Nikal announced with worries

Tori: Oh thank goodness! Wait, I have a call from auntie. Be right back! - She announced

Nikal got even concerned after hearing her words.

Nikal: Auntie? You meant Palivia? Wait-- you're wearing a wizard suit! There's no way she can connect your contant to hers! - She explain with serious tone

Tori: That-- Uhm, I'll explain everything later!

Nikal: Hey wa-! - Tori rushly end her voicecall so Nikal sighed with annoyance

Tori picks up Palivia's voicecall while floating on the building.

Tori: Yeah, Ray's here, what's happening?

Palivia: Did you just arrived? There's some people who stucked at the shopping centre. Still got time, but they need you. - Palivia adviced

Tori: People still stuck in there? Okay! Got it!

Palivia: Also, can we talk in person after this situation? I know this is not hero's work but can you meet me near the Nox plaza? Since I wanna rant. - Palivia reminded

Tori: Hm? Sure! Just talk to me when something makes you feel down! - She talk like a therapist

Palivia: ...Thanks. You act look like my niece. - She disconnected her voicecall

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