The Black Mud Swamp Pt.2

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Musa suspected that Stella had issues at home, and she turned to fashion as a coping mechanism. It would explain why she never had issues buying new clothes, or why she only wore things once. She might be spoiled, but as Bloom had pointed out last week when Stella was acting extra snobby (when Musa could feel her rage), being a princess is not all that it's cracked up to be. 

Musa was an empath. She wasn't like most empaths, however, due to the amount of mind fairies in her bloodline. Most empaths can only feel a person's emotions through physical contact, and send their emotions via touch in return. Musa could feel the person's emotions, hear their thoughts, and accidentally glimpse some memories, with or without touch. 

Her mother, Vaylin Sung was a beautiful woman with one of the most incredible voices. She could sing any song she wanted and could alter her vocal cords to sing on any note that she wanted, high, or low. 

She met Musa's father, Ongaku during her tours. They paired and performed across Melody, Solaria, and Magix for their thousands of fans. 

In their late twenties, they had Musa. She'd been unplanned, but the couple made the best of their situation, which led Musa to become involved in the music life early on. 

Her parents had showered her with love and affection, but when her mother had just turned thirty, they found out that she was pregnant again. Only this time, if Vaylin delivered, it would be terminal for her. 

Musa was only six years old at the time, and she wanted to meet her new little baby brother or sister. Ongaku asked the doctors to save Vaylin. Musa wanted to see the baby. 

The conflict over who to save ended violently. Musa still blamed herself to this day for the added stress she put on her parents. Her father grew angry near the end of Vaylin's life, until one day he overrode Vaylin, and requested for her unborn sibling to be killed so that her mother could live. 

And...both her mother and her unborn sibling died. 

The doctors later said that her unborn brother or sister's magic acted up, but due to her mother's fragile state, the magic killed them both. 

Musa had been with her mother when it happened, using her empathy to send waves of calm and reassurance into her mother's mind. 

Headmistress Dowling believed that her enhanced empathy was a side effect of the trauma she suffered witnessing her mother's death. 

The shock of feeling her mother's death, feeling her last fears, thoughts, wishes, and griefs, shattered Musa. 

It had triggered her dormant abilities and had nearly destroyed Musa's mind in her grief, her magic attacking her own brain. Melody's best mind healers had told her that she'd been very lucky to survive with her powers intact. 

Her magic would occasionally act up, which was why she had the band on her arm. It was actually a device to weaken her volatile magic. If it was ever removed, her magic would attack her brain and leave her a husk, assuming she survived. Wearing the band was the only way to spare her mind. By this point, Musa was used to the handicap, but it meant that whenever she used magic she became exhausted faster than normal. 

Her father became distant and withdrawn. He turned his anger on music, destroying all the instruments they had in the house, and hit the bottle in his grief. He was always angry, and though he never hit her, Musa knew that he blamed her for Vaylin's death. 

She blamed herself. If she'd just kept quiet, her mother might've been here today, and her father wouldn't hate her. 

Musa snapped out of her depressing thoughts and tragic memories when Tecna called out, "Musa, we've finished repairing the water tank. It would be logical to clean your rag before continuing to clean the cabin." 

Wings of a Wizard (Harry Potter x Winx Club x Fate Winx Saga Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant