002 | Pranksters got pranked

Start from the beginning

"I don't wanna leave"

"Too bad you're gonna be stuck with me for a long while"

"(Fake cries) Torture"

"(Scuffs) I could leave you on the roadside if I wanted to"

"No! Don't do that!"

"What did you do yesterday?"



"Yes, Jungwon?"

"You sound guilty"

"I do?"

"Yes, now spill it"

"I don't have to tell you anything"

"I can easily go and rat you out to mom about all the things you have done"


"Exactly, now spill!!"

Jiyoon explained the whole thing to Jungwon...And let's say he was more than upset than ever.


"It's over! It's okay! I'm fine"

"It doesn't matter if it's over Jiyoon! You could have gotten hurt, or even worse. You have no clue what could have happened"

"I'm sorry"

"(Sighs) don't do it again"

"Fine I won't"

"You promise?"


"Cross your heart and hope to die?"

"Yes, yes. Cross my heart and hope to die I won't go to a random location that my victims send me"

"Good, and also, stop pranking people"

"Bro that won't happen"

"Yang Jiyoon"



Jiyoon had breakfast and then spent most of her time in her room. It was now 5:30 pm the time for the "meet up".

This time Jiyoon took what Jungwon said into consideration and decided to not go to the location.

Later down in the night, she got a message from Chulsoo.


8:40 PM

Sim Chulsoo
I saw you at the restaurant but I
had to leave because of family issues.

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