If you do not watch lost, here is your background reference

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Charlie-musician, British, high a lot
Jack-leader, man of science, doctor, hates Locke
Locke-not religious but likes faith for some reason, pushed off a building, previously a paraplegic, and likes knives
Sawyer-grumpy, mean, token asshole, definitely going to be friends with Murphy
Kate-pick me girl, things she's a badass, fugitive
Hurley-fucking hilarious guy, won lottery, but not smart
Claire-really likes peanut butter, pregnant, from Australia
Sun and Jin-married couple, from Korea, Jin only knows Korean.
Boone and Shannon-siblings, Boone is a himbo and Shannon is a rich bitch
Sayid-takes no shit, Iraq torturer, do not fuck with him
Desmond-very Scottish, likes to go boating, trapped in bunker for 3 years
Others will be added as this book progresses so stay tuned

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