"We have quite the dangerous mission on our hands, so we paired you up with the highest ranked agent in the Statesman Agency. Right now, he's at the headquarters in Lynchburg. Blackjack, meet Agent Whiskey," the president said, directing me to the live, holographic image.

The agent saluted a two-finger salute at me, to which I acknowledged with a simple nod. I do have to say that it was a pretty damn good holographic call. From what I was seeing, I could tell that Agent Whiskey was definitely the western cowboy type, which apparently is typical for the Statesman Agency. He looked like a refined gentleman, with brown eyes, which were covered by thin, rectangular, gold-rimmed glasses, black hair, and a black mustache just below his nose. He was wearing a black cowboy hat and a black suit and tie, with a pristine white dress shirt to complement it. However, I cannot confirm this appearance because his image had a blue tint. I guess that's typical for a holographic conference call.

"Kid, this mission we're on is a dangerous one. More dangerous than a thousand poisonous snakes waiting to pounce on ya. It's also so complex that the higher-ups won't get all of the information until a couple hours from now. There's a lot of information to take in in regards to this mission," he said coolly yet seriously in a southern accent.

I nodded and allowed Agent Whiskey to continue on because he clearly had more to say. "I suggest that we meet up at a rendezvous point to try and earn each other's trust before going head-on into this dangerous mission. If we're going to be working together, I might as well build a connection with the agent I'll be partnered with. How about, say, we meet up at the local distillery here in Lynchburg. It's a perfect time for you to get adjusted to the headquarters and to get to know how I operate this headquarter office here. What do you say?" he asked.

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me."

"I'm sending a ride to come pick you up. It shouldn't take too long. Only twenty minutes should be the wait," Whiskey said, informing me of the new development.

"Great. I shall see you soon. Until soon, Agent Whiskey," I said.

"I'll see you shortly, Agent Blackjack," Whiskey said, signing off.

I acknowledged Whiskey signing off and turned my attention back to the president. "Agent Whiskey is a great agent to learn under. I have faith in you two. If this mission doesn't get accomplished, then the world will be no more. It's up to you two agents to make sure that the world stays intact."

"You can count on us, Mr. President," I confidently declared, saluting him.

"The whole world is counting on you two," the president said confidently.

Not too long after, I ventured out to the exterior of the headquarters, where the driver that Agent Whiskey sent to pick me up patiently waited for me. Seeing me, he immediately made no hesitation to open the back passenger door, enhancing his gentleman qualities. It saved me some hassle of opening the door myself, but it definitely was nice of him to do that. I have to appreciate him for that.

"Thank you so much," I said to him as I slid inside the back seat of the black 2023 Chevy Escapade.

"No problem, Agent Blackjack," said the driver as he made haste in hopping into the driver's seat and driving away.

Whiskey was right. It was only about a twenty-minute drive from the main headquarters to the Statesman Agency headquarters in Lynchburg. My patience paid off throughout that entire ride, but did I really have to exercise that much patience for such a short ride? No. No, I did not. I mainly kept to myself and kept fantasizing about this mission I got roped into with Agent Whiskey. I knew it was considered extremely dangerous, but was it so dangerous that I sacrificed my chance of living a full life? Was it so dangerous that I risked dying? I wasn't old enough, nor was I ready, to join my twin brother in heaven since I hadn't left my mark on the world yet. I have to establish my legacy and live a great life first before even thinking about joining God and my twin brother.

Kingsman: The Whiskey RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now