The Park

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I took a shower and went downstairs and saw the note but I noticed my mom went back to work. Luckily the chores weren't that bad and got through them pretty fast. When I got done I went to the store to get some snacks and some cigarettes, good thing one of my friends back at home made me a fake ID.

when I went home I saw that my mom's car wasn't in the driveway so I took the lighter I had under my mattress and thought of going to the nearest park so that I could smoke and eat for a bit. Before I left i called my mom just to double check *rings 2 times*

"Hello?" "Hey Mom, what time are you coming back? It's 9 p.m. already." "Sorry, honey I won't make it till tomorrow. My boss had us drive outta state but don't worry it's close by. I'll be back at 7. a.m. There's some food on the stove in case you got hungry." "okay bye" "byee"

i hung up and got my house key and left the house. I walked to the park and saw a bench not that far off the playground. I ate some of my chips opened my Arizona tea and took a sip. 5 minutes went by and I saw 4 guys approaching the park they were a bit loud but it was bearable. I put my headphones on and set my playlist.

I got my cigarettes and looked for my lighter but I couldn't find it. I searched my pockets but i couldn't find it. "aw shit "I cursed under my breath I saw that the guys were smoking so i approached one who had a big afro.

"Hey um, do you have a lighter I can't find mine." "Huh... oh umm I don't smoke but, yeah my friend has a lighter. Hey Mikey, ask Gerard for the lighter." "Okay, hey Gerard can you give me the lighter." The one named "Mikey " said, "Oh yeah, here." I looked at him for a bit and then I realized it was HIM AGAIN! I played it off as whatever. "Here's the lighter" "Thank you"

i lit my cigarette and gave back the lighter i went back to the bench. *10 mins later* "ugHUhuhuuhHUHUhhuh" a drunk guy probably in his late 40's approached the guys and then made his way towards me.

"hhhhEY yo..... little girrr" he slurred his words and took a seat super close with me. I kinda just moved away but he pulled me by my waist and said "Hey,doooon't rrrunn awwwayyy frrm mme. you looove me." "get the fuck off!!!" i tried to pull away but i couldn't escape, i screamed as loud as i could. Suddenly i heard someone yell "Hey get off her" it was the guy with the afro.

i punched the guy but he wouldn't let go "Hey" the drunk man just kept hugging me. i push him off and the afro guy took over the guy " What's your problem man " "shhhhut up dipshit or yoOOOu'll geet it." the drunk guy swung and hit the afro guy. The afro guy wiped his lip and saw blood, he reacted quickly and swung at the drunk fuck and beat the shit outta him. i was in shock.

"Alright, Ray that's enough." one of the guys said. Ray returned with his friends "Dude, you really beat the shit outta that guy." the one named Mikey said "....yeah...uhh I'm outta breathe... oh hey"

"oh hey, thank you lots" "Yeah, no problem. The dude is an ass, he always bothers others here and we never get the chance to teach him a lesson. We usually stay outta people's business but he crossed the line you're like not even half his age."

"Thanks, you really saved my life." he took a breath before saying "You are welcome, umm my name is Ray by the way." "My name's Y/N " "Are you from here? i haven't really seen you around." "Well, I just moved here three weeks ago. I'm kind of surprised you haven't heard of me. I got suspended today, I'm sure you heard about the fight that broke out."

A look of realization hit his face when I mentioned the fight "You were the one who got into the fight with JULIA ?!!!!" he questioned

"yeah umm she just got on my nerves, she's such a bitch to me " Ray then spoke "That video spread all around the school and they even said that you broke her nose." "she deserved it honestly," said one of the guys I didn't know "I'm frank by the way"
"oh, I'm sorry I didn't introduce you to my friends uh the one with glasses is Mikey, and the one with black hair is Frank as you know now. And he's Gerard" answered Ray. I knew him before he could even say anything "Oh, I know Gerard already." "You do?" Ray said

"Yeah, we have band together he's amazing at the trumpet." "awwww Gerard's blushing guys," Frank said "Shut the fuck up Frank," Gerard said. Soon all of them started to tease him, i just laughed a bit "Alright guys stop. Y/N do you wanna hang out with us tomorrow maybe for breakfast?" Ray asked

"i can't I got suspended".
"Aww you hear that Gerard. He would've looooved to go get breakfast with you~" Frank added "Can you stop with the teasing Frank, it's annoying" Gerard hissed "okay okay" "Hey guys i gotta go it's really late" "Oh wait before you go can you give me your insta?" ray asked

"I'm gonna make a group chat" "Yeah sure!" I gave them my Instagram and left *at home* ughhh I'm tired, I got my shorts and a tank top. i was about to go to bed when suddenly


* You've been added to the group chat by Xray *

*Xray: Hi guys what are ya'll planning on doing after school?

*DankfrÆnk: I'm a buy more beer

*Xray: Didn't you buy some yesterday?

*DankfrÆnk: Hey, you can never buy too much

*Milkyway: mhhhm what about that time you got so drunk you and Gerard started to make out

*DankfrÆnk: dude wtf

*124gerardway: ....... dude..... I'm gonna go to your room and beat the shit outta you Mikey

*Xray: Guys it's too early for this to be a convo Y/N is in this chat, remember??!!

*Y/N: That's okay but I didn't know Gerard was gay

*DankfrÆnk: We are not dating or anything we are just friends I swear I'm not gay

*124gerardway: I'm not GAY

*124gerardway: I swear I'm gonna kill Mikey when he comes out of the bathroom

*Milkyway: Ahhhh help Ray He's chasing me with a bat

*Y/N: dayum...

*Xray: I think I'ma go to sleep Goodnight guys

*Y/N: Yeah I think that's a good idea I'm gonna go to sleep too

*DankfrÆnk: I'm gonna kill Mikey when I see him at school


*124gerardway: OPEN THE DOOR.....

1169 words

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