The First Date

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Steve picked Scottie up at noon the next day with coffee and biscuits waiting in his car.

"You're the best," said Scottie through a muffled mouthful of scone. "I was starving, you know exactly what this girl needs. I think I can keep you around for a while if you keep bringing me coffee."

"I might be able to work something out," he said.

"So where are we going?" She asked, taking another sip of coffee.
"You don't get to know, so just drink your coffee and enjoy the ride."

"Don't dates usually happen in the evening?"

"Yes, but I thought you'd like a daytime one more."

"You thought right."

"What kind of music do you like?"

"Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel, the Beatles, Elvis, Aerosmith, that kinda stuff."

"Okay, I respect that."

"What about you?"

"More Aerosmith and AC/DC, rock and stuff."

"Cool! I vibe with that stuff—"

"But your favourite is Elvis."

"Yes of course. Everyone knows that."

"Then lets play some Elvis for you."

"You're so amazing!" They listened to all of her favourite Elvis songs until they arrived at their location. "Will you tell me know?"

"Don't have to. You'll see when we go inside."

"Go Karts?! And axe-throwing?!"

"Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding? This is the perfect first date, way better than a restaurant!" He blushed. "So what are we doing first?"

"We'll do axe-throwing while we wait for go karts to open up."

Scottie bounced in front of him up to the drinks counter, where she ordered a ginger beer and flirted with the guy running it. They could tell the server was getting a little too comfortable, so Scottie summoned Steve over and said, "Steve, darling, what would you like?" Putting a hand on his chest and winking at the server, who looked crestfallen.

"I'll take a Cola." The server practically threw it at him and grudgingly took their money as he watched the couple move to a table far away. "Why do you do that to him?"

"He probably hits on every girl that looks his way, he just has that face—weasly. So I gave him a taste of his own medicine."

"Fair enough. It was pretty funny," he laughed, looking back at the deepening frown on his face. He heard a thud and turned back around to see that Scottie had landed the hatchet in the board. "Woah now, settle down." She retrieved the axe from the board and threw it again, nearly landing a bullseye. "You know, you look like a lumberjack in that outfit," he grinned.

"Why thank you."

"It's cute. Have you done this before?"

"Not really. But I throw knives, so I kind of know what throwing methods work best,"

"You throw knives?"

"Yeah! It's a hobby of mine, I've been practicing for a few months."

"There's no end to your surprises."

"Why thank you, Scoops boy. Here, you throw." She handed him the axe and he threw it, hitting the bullseye. "No fair!"

"Didn't I tell you I go back a long time with throwing axes?" He said smugly.

"If that were true you wouldn't be spinning it like that because you'd know you could chop your finger off," she said laughing.

"Right," he cleared his throat. He threw it a couple more times and completely missed.
"Look, try holding the axe like this, and put it behind your should like this—good. And extend your arm more rather than flicking your wrist."

"Like...this?" He grunted as he threw the axe and it hit the board but didn't stick.

"Yeah, that was perfect! Just take a step back and try again." He stepped back and re-aimed the axe, then tossed it. "Amazing! It's really in here, oh my gosh." He went up to help her de-lodge the axe; he put his hands over hers and pulled. She blushed, but didn't pull them away.

All in all, Scottie was better at axe throwing, but Steve improved magnificently in a short time. They threw for about 20 more minutes until their names were called for go karting. They put on the head socks and helmets and got in their little cars, ready at the starting line. When the buzzer rang out they stepped on the gas pedal as hard as they could and shot forward, darting past people and avoiding barriers. The first round lasted 5 minutes and Steve came in first, Scottie was last.

"I see the tables have turned," he grinned.

"As we knew they would."

"I'm surprised you're last, I've heard rumours about your driving."


"How you run over the neighbour's dog, speed past people going 10 over—"

"Those are not true!"

"All of them?"

"Well...just the ones you mentioned."

"Mhm. Well, I beat you this time, I'll beat you again."

And sure enough, the next 3 rounds he beat her. She almost exceeded him on the third, but he cut in front of her at the last minute. On the fourth he got third place and she got seventh.

"Well, I'm not last! That's all I care about. And the fact that you didn't get first again."

"Is that right?" He said, laughing. The date continued on until four o'clock, each of them growing steadily better at the activities with each new try. "So, where to next?"

"You don't have this planned already?"

"I thought you would like to have some spontaneity, but if that's not the case, I have something else up my sleeve."

"Let's see what you got, sailor boy." They drove a ways out of town and walked into a big open field. "What is this?"

Rather than answering her, Steve pushed through a cluster of trees with Scottie following close behind. When they finally broke through, a hot air balloon met their eyes.

"Oh Steve, this is amazing!"

"You like it?"

"Yes, of course! I've always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon, like that Jules Verne book!"

"Oh good, I was afraid it would be too much."

"Not at all, it's spectacular." She ran over and introduced herself to the man working the balloon and gazed wonderingly up at the ball of colours. Steve helped her up, and together they rose into the air and flew over Hawkins. "Look, there's the high school, and my house, and the lab. Wouldn't it be funny if we landed on top of a house?"

"We just might. We land wherever we are when we run out of gas."

"Really? That's so cool! Wow, I can see all of Indiana from here." She leaned over the side to get a better view of what lie below. Steve put his hands out, ready to steady her if she lost her balance, and though it was just a subtle movement, it warmed Scottie to know he was there.

"So, did I impress you enough?"

"I am thoroughly impressed. Billy never did anything like this; and you went above all my expectations."

"So, are you glad you broke up with Billy?"

"Yes. It was hard, but I knew it wasn't going to last. Besides, I liked you and..."


"And you are enough for me." Not knowing how to reply, Steve just blushed and joined Scottie looking over the town. 

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