Anticipation Day

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When Scottie awoke the next morning she felt nervous and joyful and terrible all at the same time. Her first thought was that she had missed her date with Steve. Once she had calmed down and checked her calendar three times over, she realised it was tomorrow and she hadn't missed anything. She dressed, then undressed, trying to choose her outfit for the next day. She did this four more times before Lola to help her.

"So, let's see what you got here," she said, bursting through Scottie's bedroom door a few minutes later. "I would've thought you had this planned out for years."

"I did. But now that it's actually happening, they all seem bad."

"What did you wear for Billy?"

"Um, I don't know. Probably something casual—a shot top and some jeans."

"So why can't you do that for Steve?"

"Because he's not Billy. I want to impress him more."

"Listen, if Steve is going to cause you to think about every little thing you do or wear because you need to try to impress him, then he's probably not right for you."

"You're right. This is our first compatibility test. I'll just wear my overalls, this shirt, and my boots."

"You should've called V for that."

"I know," Scottie laughed. "But it's one of my favourites, so that's what I'm wearing."

"Where are you guys going?" Lola asked, sitting on the bed and leaning against the post.

"Not sure, he refused to tell me anything but 'wear pants'," she laughed, doing a bad impression of his voice.

"Sounds like Steve, always wanting to surprise his girl and show her off."

"Speaking of guys..."

"Oh don't start again," said Lola, rolling her eyes as she lay back on the bed and ran her hands through her hair.

"Come on, you can't completely avoid boys."

"I'm not, I just don't want them in my pants."

"Okay, that's not fair. Not all guys are like that, Steve isn't. Billy isn't—well, for the most part. Eddie isn't. If we can find someone, you can. You're expectations are no higher than the rest of ours."

"Mhm. Well, I'm taking my time."

"I know, but what about that guy we saw at the fair?"

"The Medieval Faire in the fall?"

"Yeah! He was a pirate, he was cute, gentlemanly, and he couldn't get his eyes off you."


"You say that now, but just you wait, you guys will be an item by the next fair this summer."


They talked for another hour until Lola had to go home to finish chores and whatnot and Scottie was left by herself to think about her date. All of a sudden she was forgetting how to flirt, how to impress boys, especially Steve. She called Eden, but she didn't pick up. She tried again, still no answer. She called Eddie instead, knowing he would know exactly how to help her. He knocked on her door about 30 minutes later.

"So, you need flirting lessons."

"Hi Eddie," she smiled. "And yeah, I guess you could say that."

"You owe me big time."

"I know. And you owe me from the last time, so now we're even."

"Mm, I forgot about that. You're normally so good at this, why do you need my help?"

"Because I'm so nervous, I've forgotten how to do everything."

"This should be like second nature to you. You just have a flirty personality, it comes easy to you."

"Thank you. But not this time. I'm too nervous—"

"Because you really like him."


"Okay. Here, sit down. The first thing you need to know is don't go overboard. Make sure you're adding little things into your normal habits, but don't overdo it, or it'll look fake. For example, instead getting all glammed up and acting cool by leaning back in your chair in stuff—don't do that; you should lean closer and be interested in what he's saying, give him a gentle smile or stick your tongue partially out to show him you're paying attention. Try it now." Scottie moved easily to put her elbow on the table in front of her and she gently rested her chin on it, smiling and slightly biting her lip, looking at him with big, interested eyes. "Dang, Steve was right about you, you are good."

"You talked with Steve about me?" She said, laughing.

"Actually, he wouldn't shut up to Eden about how infatuated he is with you and she told me. Okay, that's really good. Now, you could adjust your posture when you're just casually talking, but not really telling stories. Maybe lean back a little and relax. Also stick your leg out a little so he can see it around the table, but not so it looks weird. And throw in a cute laugh when he says something funny, it will be easy because you're just having fun with him."

Scottie did exactly as he told her, following every detail to a T and performing it perfectly.

"Great. Now, when you're standing, make sure you stay close to him, closer than normal, but not right up next to him. When you walk make sure you stand up straight and walk with confidence, kind of like a strut. You could run your fingers through your hair a couple times when he's looking at you."

"Like this?" She said, walking away, then towards him.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. But keep your head up a little more." She made the adjustment and, "Perfect. He won't be able to resist your charm."

"How does anyone resist your charm, if you're such an expert on the subject?"

"Well..." he said, blushing. "I have my eyes on a certain someone, she just doesn't realise it yet."

"Ahhh, is it Eden?"

"How did you know?"

"I see the way you look at her. And you guys are really close friends. She likes you, she just doesn't know it yet."

"I hope you're right."

"The most important thing is that you're a good friend to her, especially when she acts like she doesn't need one. And you are, so you guys will turn out fine."

"Thanks," he said, grinning. "Let me know how your date with Steve goes tomorrow. I wanna know if I'm a good teacher."

"I will! Thanks for all your help."

"Of course! I'll see ya later, Scottie," he said, getting into his car.

She spent the rest of the day thinking of places he could be taking her and she enjoyed tormenting herself over what was to come. She at last fell asleep to have dreams filled with him. 

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