Y/N gripped the handle of the sword waiting for something to happen. In a couple of seconds, the sword turned a vibrant yellow on one side with red on the other. The colors seemed to match the exact color scheme of the girl's straw hat.

The blacksmith stared at the sword in complete confusion.

"That hasn't happened before..." He thought out loud.

"So it's defective?"

"N-No, I guess not. I guess it's just... special...?"

"Like Y/N."

"Shishishishi~! I am pretty special!" Y/N cheered with a bright grin.

"Yeah... in a good and bad kind of way."

"What's that supposed to mean?" A sudden loud squawk of a bird was heard, taking everyone's attention away from the conversation and the sword. On the table, Y/N's crow flew in.

"Hey, it's the crow!"

"Are you going to name it?"

"Hmm..." Y/N looked up at the sky, thinking. "Ah! I know! Merry!" A grin was on Y/N's face as she pet the crow. Nami and Zoro smiled a bit at the girl's excitement.

"CAW!! Monkey D. Y/N! Hurry!" Everyone paled.

"WHAT?! THAT THING CAN TALK?!" Nami panicked.

"The hell?!"


"Head north! A village is being terrorized by demons! Hunt the group down and kill them! Prepare yourself, Monkey D. Y/N!" Merry squawked orders. Y/N blinked.

"Wow, you got your mission already? You just got your sword!" Nami stated.

"How do you think it learned to talk?" Zoro asked.

"Do you think we can still cook it?" Y/N added in.

"Were you idiots even listening?"

Y/N walked into a town with her sword resting on her hip. She blinked as she walked into the slightly wrecked town. Y/N blinked as she stared at the demon claw marks on the walls.

"Ooh, this town is a scrapyard." Y/N stated out loud.

"It's not that bad." A voice said out of nowhere. Y/N turned on her heel to see a girl with blue hair and blue eyes. She had a red bow in her hair. "Just... trashed." She stated, kicking a random rock. "The name's Nojiko. You?"

"Monkey D. Y/N! And you got any food, I'm dyinggg!" Y/N stated, dragging out the last word. Nojiko blinked at her. She then smiled.

"Yeah. Come on." She stated, walking away. Y/N walked after her, examining the village. Though it wasn't completely trashed, Y/N could see something was off. All the people here, they all seemed so cautious and looked kind of scared.

It was noon, so there should be plenty of time before Y/N has to face off against a demon.

Nojiko led Y/N to a large grove of tangerines. Y/N's eyes glistened with amazement as she stared at the many trees.

"THOSE LIKE SO GOOD!!" Y/N cheered before dashing to the nearest tree and stuffing her face with 15 at a time. Nojiko laughed a bit.

"You sure like oranges, don't you?" She said.

"Oh, hey, by the way, you seen any demons 'round here?" Y/N asked casually. Nojiko stiffened a bit with her lips forming into one straight line. Y/N let out a confused hum and turned her head over to Nojiko.

𝐌𝐔𝐆𝐈𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐀! ➯ demon slayer ✘ luffy!readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu