Episode 12: The Unfair Treatment

Start from the beginning

Nikolai:"Enjoy, it's on the house."

Rapi:"Thank you, commander Nikolai."

*They both enjoy their meal, until someone approaches them*

Man:"Excuse me, that's a Nikke, right?"

Nikolai:"Why do you ask?"

Man:"Well, it's just that this place doesn't serve Nikkes, and it would be a shame if they found out that someone gave their food to a Nikke...right?"

Nikolai(mind):This guy is blackmailing us? Erg...

Nikolai:"You know what-"

Rapi:"Nikolai, stand down. It's ok."


Man:"So you are a Nikke, huh? What's it even doing here? Wait, don't tell me, the boy here's in love with an object."

Nikolai:"Stop, what the hell's your problem?!"

Man:"You, you are the problem, kid! These Nikkes are nothing more than machines, not real people! You want Nikkes to rise up, and start a revolution? Huh?!"

Nikolai:"If you keep treating them like this, they will definitely revolt. Don't tell me...are you scared of Nikke?"

Man:"Of course! They're tools used for war, if they get confident enough, they could destroy humanity, then Raptures would be the least of our worries."



Nikolai:"One, Nikkes have other functions than to shoot guns, some play music, work a train station, and plenty other jobs. Two, raptures are much more horrifying than Nikkes. Three, even if they have the confidence, they wouldn't want to destroy the humanity!"

*Nikolai realized everyone in the restaurant was looking at them*

Nikolai:"Fine then. You want me to leave because I'm being a good person? then I'll leave, but know that it is unfair to discriminate Nikkes just because they aren't like us! They still have feelings, and they protect humanity!"

*Nikolai grabbed Rapi, and stormed out of the restaurant.*

Rapi:"Commander Nikolai, you shouldn't have done that."

Nikolai:"Why not? I finally got it off my chest."

Rapi:"But your image, they are going to hate you."

Nikolai:"So what? Let them hate, I don't care!"

Rapi:"It's not you who cares..."


Rapi:"The Ark, what do you think people will act when they find out about this?"

Nikolai:"How are they going to find out? It's fine, don't worry about it. Even if something goes wrong, I'll take responsibility for it."

Rapi:"You can't..."


Rapi:"What if you end up in jail...or worse?"


Nikolai(mind):I never really thought about that, the last time I was arrested, I was lucky enough to get off the hook with military service. However, if I get arrested now, I don't think I'll get lucky again.

Nikolai:"I can take responsibility for it."

Rapi:"...Alright. I'll trust you, commander Nikolai."

Nikolai:"We should head back."

Rapi:"Yes, and thank you."

Nikolai:"Oh yeah, sorry about dinner. We didn't even get to finish it."

Rapi:"I wasn't thanking you for dinner."


Rapi:"I'll see you tomorrow, Nikolai."

Nikolai:"Oh, uh...bye, Rapi!"

Nikolai(mind):After everything she said about how I shouldn't have stood up for her, she's still thankful about it?! I think I might have been too excited over her, because I don't get her.

*Nikolai went back to the Ark, and went to sleep*

Narrator:Now that Nikolai has basically made a Nikke rights copypasta. What is going to happen next? Stay tuned to find out.

Hey bros, it's me, the author! I don't have any announcements for the story for now, so onto my process in the game. After a full week of going back and forth between buying Dorothy from the pity shop, or skip out on her and wait for the next banner. Unfortunately...I gave in, and got her. Which probably means I won't be getting the new banner characters easily, and they look beautiful too, damn it! The maintenance is already starting, so I don't have anymore time to farm gems, ugh...I'm just going to move on, here's the meme of the week:

I'm just going to move on, here's the meme of the week:

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Do it for her! Anyway, I'll see you guys next time!

The Commander Who Cared (NIKKE x Male Commander)Where stories live. Discover now