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Will runs back with a lot of stuff for wounds. He stands on his knees and drops the stuff on the floor.

"Mike let me see your wounds!"-will

"I have a few"-mike

Mike shows his arm and then he pulls up his pants a little and and there is also a cut there. Mike then points at his neck.

"I'll do the neck first"-will

"Yeah it's pretty bad"-mike

"Okay so only your neck needs stitches"-will

"Okay" Mike said as he groaned.

"Don't worry tho I have numbing cream to put on you so you don't feel it"-will

Mike nods and puts his head up so will can get it. Will starts putting numbing cream on Mike's neck "okay now we wait 5 minute for it to numb you"-will said as he set his alarm

Mike nods and looks at will " thanks for helping me"-mike

Will nods and swallows.
"I thought you were going to shoot me too"-mike

"I mean that would explain a lot"-will smiled and looked away.

"You had your chance to get away"-mike

"Mhm"-will said as he just looked at the floor.

Then wills alarm went off "now it's fucking time to stitch you up"-will

Mike put his head up and will began to sow Mike. "Are you doing alright?"-will

"Yep I don't feel anything"-mike

"Okay by the way these stitches are going to dissolve or disappear on their own I won't need to take it out"-will


After a few minutes will finished and Mike put his head back down. "Now let me wipe it"-will

Will cleaned Mike's wound. He then cleaned his other wounds and then put a bandage on them.

Will picks up the things and puts it away. Mike gets up and puts his chair back and stretches out he looks over to the dead body then walks into the bathroom.

With the door open he just looks at how beautiful will stitched him up. Will walks by "come here"-mike

Will goes in the bathroom and looks in the mirror at mike looking at his scar.

"Will you did so fucking good on this. You do art?"-mike said as he looked at will

"Yes I paint actually"-will

"Okay" Mike said as he thought he would get will a present.

"Mike is someone going to get rid of the dead body?"-will

"Yep when they come home"-mike

Mike then walked out of the bathroom and turned off the light. Will followed him "okay"

Mike walked over to the dead body and picked him up by his shirt and looked if he had anything in his pocket.

Mike grabbed a wallet and let go of the man.

He walked over to will and opened it. "His name is Joe Franco"-mike

Will looked at the dead body with a gross face. "Come let's go upstairs"-mike

They went upstairs and Mike put the wallet in his pocket. They go into Mike's room.

They just stood their looking at each other. Will couldn't hide his feelings anymore he went on his tippy toes and kissed Mike. He then backed away from him. "Mike I like you"-will

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