Chapter Eighteen: Giving Back Love

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You can never give too much, and I truly believe that. I want to touch as many lives for as long as I'm alive. With taking Jesse, she'll drain a bit of her baby fever as well. It's a sort of sedative for our nerves. As for visiting the mall, I want to surprise the fans. I haven't been communicating too much with them, and this little visit from Jesse and I will hopefully make up for the lost time.

"This or this?" Jesse asks from behind me, pausing to glance around my wardrobe. "Why does it seem like you have more clothes than I do?" She giggles, giving my closet a three-sixty glance.

I shake my head at her teasing and turn to examine her outfit options.

Midnight sheer, long-sleeve button up and low rise midnight trousers; in her right hand. Lacey swoop-back maxi dress; in her left hand.

Glancing between the options, I picture her in them and then picture the occasion. Although she would look absolutely stunning in her Lacey swoop-back sun dress, I believe the more conservative outfit would better fit the occasion. I wouldn't want the tabloids speaking terribly of her outfit when visiting the infant hospital. They can be relentless at times.

"The one on the right. I guess I'll wear read and black if you're just wearing black?" I ask, more so telling her.

She nods, glancing at at my choice as well with approval.

"So why do you wear red and black a lot? You never told me." She questions, fingering the blazer I was gazing at.

I smile, appreciating as well as loving how attentive she is.

"Black is always classic and timeles, red dilates the pupils of one's eyes when you look at it. I feel that using such a color that does that would help burn the memory into the fans forever." I casually explain, removing the rest of my attire from their racks.

Jesse's eyes follow me as I slip beside her and continue into our bedroom. When I turn around, she's smiling foolishly. I shake my hand and dare myself to question.

"What's up with the goofy smile?" I giggle.

"Your explanation. I forget how, how illusive you are. Like everything has a reason. Your white socks, your sparkly glove. All have a purpose. It's-It's amazing" She gawks, waking over to our bed.

My smile widens at her compliment. So many others question my decisions, and even my motives for the things I do. Even when it comes to my craft, which I have been doing for many years now, I still receive uncertain questions. But acknowledging someone who cares to try to understand, really warms my heart.

"Of course, girl. Besides, I like to add my own flavor to the juice. Now, we have to hurry and get dressed so we can make it early and call early for the mall" I stress, quickly gathering a fresh pair of briefs and my infamous ivory V-neck.

Nodding at my instructions, Jesse scurries for fresh undergarments as well and follows me into the bathroom. Before we enter, I pause to warn her about slight funny business. With a playful scowl, she gently pushed me into the bathroom and brushed off my warning.

She soon regretted it, earning a little loving, punishable few kisses and nibbles from me. After a long thirty minutes, we rushed out of the bathroom and raced against the clock to get dressed and meet Bill downstairs.

"I swear, the world could be ending and y'all still be taking your own damn time getting to safety...." Bill grumbles as Jesse and I jog down the stairs.

Jesse and I give each other a quick glance before laughing off his insult and following him out.

As soon as we step out onto our front steps, screams and flashing cameras are heard across the driveway. Glancing up while shielding my eyes, I spot the cause of the bedlam and butterflies form in my stomach. I missed our fans. Although I could go without the cameras, I still want them to capture my beautiful fiancé and I being normal.

Dangerous & Anew (Sequel to Inhaling Alongside You)✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя