Chapter 6

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Helaine's POV

Somewhere around midafternoon, I felt the edges of my ward shudder as something passed through. No alarms meant that it was someone who was supposed to be here, so I leisurely pushed away from my workbench and made my way into the main part of the house. Victor and Luke were playing an erratic game of chess, where I'm not entirely sure Luke thought before he moved his pieces. A suspicion only confirmed when he had to put his knight back after making an illegal move. Everyone else besides the team leads were scattered around the room, looking to be in various degrees of severe boredom.

Things had mellowed out some around lunch when, under Sean's watchful eye, I'd administered the potions to both Kota and Nathan and their sensitivity had disappeared within about half an hour. They'd be sore for another day or two, but they were considerably more comfortable now. I'd offered some to Owen and anyone else on the team that might need it, but he'd turned me down, assuring me that the matter was handled.

The moment Kota confirmed he was feeling better, all of the team leads had disappeared to the shack to discuss who would have what mission responsibilities while they were here. They've been down there for nearly two hours now.

Kevin was the closest, so he's who I went up to, his brown eyes following my path to him before looking up at me expectantly as I laid my hand on his arm. "Phil's here. He'll have food, extra clothes, and any of the pets or familiars that were requested." The last part was speculative but based on Jericho having planted himself in the doorway to stare down the hall at the door. He likes to make sure that any new animals know he rules the roost from the moment they arrive.

The house occasionally reminds Jericho who's really in charge, but not on days where the sand cat is trying to prove a point.

Kevin stood out of his chair. "I'll call down to the shack and let the team leads know they need to come up here. Kota's dog is probably in the mix, and I think Owen and Axel want to talk to Phil."

"Marc's familiar should be there, too, shouldn't he?" I asked innocently.

He chuckled, his eyes bright with humor and affection. It was almost enough to make me flush, wondering what it would be like if it was more than just fondness. "Yes, little witch. Your friend should also be here."

Familiars, unlike normal members of their species, live an incredibly long time. Usually as long as their witch or warlock's do. Marc's the only member of the Toma team with a familiar and we had bonded while I was in the hospital.

Kevin was muttering lowly on the phone when there was a knock at the door. Having heard our conversation, North, Luke, Raven, Gabe, and Victor all rose to their feet, waiting to follow my lead. The house swung open the front door before we reached it and revealed a slightly harried looking Phil.

His shoulders sagged with relief when he saw the train of men behind me. "Oh, good, there's backup. Pepper is a little... excited." The way he said it implied that he'd traveled all the way here with a tornado.

North sighed and shifted sideways to slide past us, the extra pulse in my chest thumping when he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I've got her. Kota's out back."

Sitting in the front passenger seat and barking her head off was a young-looking German Shepherd puppy. When she saw North heading towards the van, she started scratching at the door handle like that would somehow aid in her escape. "Would you act like you've been taught manners, please?" North growled as he opened the door and she tumbled into the dirt on the drive.

Springing back onto all fours, she started jumping all over North and it took him repeating her command to sit three times before her butt finally hit the ground, a cloud of dust getting kicked up by her tail as she whined excitedly. It took a few false starts of North trying to move and her jumping up in unfettered happiness before she finally sat and stayed long enough for North to reach into the van.

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