Chapter 11: Friends

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Your POV

I wake up to an unwelcome chill next to me and I'm deeply saddened to realize the space next to me is empty. The events of last night flood my groggy mind and I audibly groan as I wake myself up. I don't know why I was so embarrassed to have gotten so vulnerable with Jenna; maybe because I had a bad habit of keeping things to myself so whenever I did share, I felt like a burden. However, the recollection of her comforting me and the solidarity of her words instantly makes me feel at ease and I let out a deep breath of relief in knowing that I was met with such care and tenderness. The memory of the physical closeness that her and I shared doesn't escape me and I can't help but smile at the thought, even through my somewhat melancholy mood. I check my phone like I always did in the mornings and my mood lifts even further when I see I have texts from Jenna:

I'm sorry I had to leave you this morning, sleeping beauty. You know call times wait for no one.

I reminisce of when I called her that in the note I had left her and it makes my heart skip. There's another message:

I have a car waiting downstairs for you when you're ready for work - it's raining again so I insist you take it. Barry, the driver, is posted outside your door. He's huge and has a spider tattoo on his hand. You can't miss him.

Another text:

See u soon. Xx

Her messages make my stomach do its usual backflips. As much as I'd like to believe she sent a car for me purely because of the rain, I can't help but think she did so in a protective manner with the information she was given last night. Otherwise, why would she tell the driver to wait outside of my door? And how long has he been there? I have mixed feelings about the gesture - on one hand, it's incredibly sweet and chivalrous, as I've come to know Jenna to be, and it was indeed raining, but on the other hand, I didn't want to be treated like glass and I didn't want any unnecessary attention brought to a situation from the past. Regardless, it was a nice thing to do on her end so I shoot her a thank you text and drag myself out of bed to get ready to be on set in an hour, ready to leave my personal problems at the door.

When I left my apartment, sure enough there was a large man with a spider tattoo waiting for me. I forgot he was there and he scared the shit out of me so he served his purpose well, but he was actually very nice as proven by the small talk we made on the way to set. It was now a few hours into filming and although I've seen Jenna around, she was so busy that we've only been able to exchange a couple waves and smiles. It felt weird acting so casual after getting so vulnerable last night, but it was no one's fault. I'd been so distracted by everything that's happened over the past couple weeks that I didn't even realize we were wrapping soon and entering our final days of filming, which meant the main cast, especially Jenna, have extra packed schedules.

"I can't wait for the wrap party!" Lily squeals from across from me. Troy and Gio both had the day off so it was just me and Lily today and we were taking a short break at the coffee truck next to the extra's lot.

"That totally escaped my mind. It's here on set, right?" I ask as I take a sip of my tea. I got Jenna's order just to try it, and maybe because I was thinking of her, and I actually really liked it. Lily nods excitedly in response.

"Maybe I'll finally get to talk to Georgie. God, he's so cute." She gushes and it makes me laugh. How such a fangirl made it onto set is beyond me, but good for her.

"Not my type, but he does have beautiful hair." I respond with another sip of tea.

"I know. Your type was in your apartment last night." Lily wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and it nearly makes me spit out my drink. Was I that obvious?

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