Chapter 9: Happy Birthday

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Jenna's POV

It took a little convincing, but I eventually got Y/n to agree to a small belated birthday gathering, which was to be held at her apartment. I offered my place again but she had insisted, and since I felt like I was already pushing my luck I let her have this one. I of course texted her on her actual birthday but I unfortunately didn't get to see her since our schedules were opposite of one another, so I was really looking forward to tonight. Emma was the only one who could accompany me and I was grateful for her presence since I was starting to get nervous as we approached the apartment complex. I fiddled with the ribbon on the small gift bag that was in my lap, needing something to do with my hands.

"Why are you nervous?" Emma asks me as we drive into the roundabout in front of the apartments. Being as close as we were, she knew all the telltale signs of anything that I was feeling. It was both a blessing and a curse.

"We're meeting new people and you know I'm socially awkward." It's only a half-lie. The truth is, I was really eager to see Y/n and I was anxious to see if she likes the gift I got her. However, we were also meeting a few of her friends and I am, in fact, socially awkward, so that wasn't helping.

"If they're anything like Y/n then I'm sure they're cool people. And I'll be there the whole time." Emma puts a hand on my leg and I'm grateful for her reassurance as our driver opens my door. I slide out and Emma follows, the bottle of wine she got as a gift for Y/n in her hand.

Soon enough we're at Y/n's door and I can hear faint mingling and music on the other side of it. I know this was my idea but now my nerves were getting the best of me and I found myself stuck. Emma eventually knocks and whispers a soft "Relax, J" before the door swings open. There stands a tall, dirty blonde boy, probably a little younger than me, with a towel hung over his shoulder and a couple small pink stains scattered on his white tee shirt. Not at all who I was expecting, but the sight of him makes me stifle a laugh with a chuckle.

"Jenna, Emma! Welcome! I'm Troy." He moves to the side and motions for us to come inside. It threw me off for a second that this stranger knew our names but I guess that was to be expected. I never really got used to that. "Please ignore my appearance. I'm baking a cake and I've lost control of the frosting." His goofy demeanor was very disarming and it was making me feel a little more at ease.

"Happens to the best of us. It's nice to meet you." I respond with a smile as Emma and I take our shoes off near the door. Y/n's place was smaller than mine, but still respectable. It was very clean, aside from whatever Troy had going on in the kitchen, and there was colorful, yet coordinated decor everywhere. It was cozy and very reflective of Y/n. I liked it.

"Hi, you guys. This is Gio and Lily, your other Nevermore classmates." Y/n's voice catches my attention immediately as she walked over from the living room with two people following behind her, and I had to stop my jaw from dropping to the floor when I saw her appearance. Her hair was down and she was wearing pajama shorts that exposed a small butterfly tattoo on her thigh right above her knee. She also wore a cropped long sleeve that showed part of her toned stomach and my jaw clenched in reflex. I'd never seen this much of her tan skin, or how curly her hair was, and I had no she had a tattoo. I don't know what was washing over me but I felt tingly all over and I surely would have been stuck - again - if Emma didn't speak up.

"Nice to meet you guys!" Emma waves excitedly before turning her attention to Y/n. "This is for you. Happy late birthday." She hands her the bottle of wine and Y/n thanks her with a hug, of course insisting she shouldn't have gotten her anything.

"Nice to meet you, Gio and Lily." I finally manage to avert my gaze and give the two a polite wave. I was having trouble functioning like a normal human right now and I was internally kicking myself for it.

"Oh my God. You're literally Jenna Ortega. And You're Emma Meyers! Wednesday and Enid! I can't believe this!" Lily, a short, bubbly blonde girl squeals and bounces on her toes. Her reaction is sweet and it makes both Em and I chuckle and blush a little. Meanwhile, Gio is cool as a cucumber and Troy is still preoccupied wreaking havoc in the kitchen.

"Lily... down, girl." Y/n laughs and pushes Lily's shoulder gently in a teasing manner. Something about her words just now... and the way she said them... you're being feral again. Y/n turns her attention to me while Emma conversed with the other two and I'm forced to snap out of it, thankfully.

"Hey, you." She offers a beaming smile and her voice makes me want to melt. The attraction I'm experiencing right now is different than anything I've felt before and I was feeling a little overwhelmed by it, but I put on my best poker face and return her smile.

"Hi, um- here. For you." I hand her the small bag and she takes it, albeit apprehensively.

"Thank you, but you seriously didn't have to-" She stops mid-sentence as she opens the bag and I watch her closely, trying to read if she likes it or not. "Jenna, you didn't... I- I cannot accept this!" She holds up a box containing a bottle of the perfume she had mentioned, Pear, Inc., and stares at me in disbelief.

"Yes, I did, and yes, you can. Happy birthday." I flash her a warm smile as I feel a subtle heat dance across my freckles.

"Jenna, this bottle is like, almost $200..." She averts her gaze from me back to the perfume, still in disbelief.

"Hey, didn't anyone ever tell you it's tacky to mention the price tag of a gift?" This makes her laugh, which of course makes me smile. "It's more of a gift for me, anyway. I'm kind of obsessed with the scent." I'm still smiling like an idiot when she suddenly wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. My arms find their way around her waist and I feel the smooth skin of her back due to her shirt lifting, which causes an internal panic so intense my eyes widen before I snap myself out of it. I hear a "Thank you so much" muttered into my hair before the embrace was over too soon and she pulls back. I'm engulfed in her signature smell and I'm so happy to have supplied her with more; the real thing nonetheless. She deserves it.

"You're unbelievable. Just- thank you. How did you even get your hands on this so quickly? I just barely mentioned this to you." She asks as she opens the box excitedly. Seeing her so happy made my heart warm, especially given how nonchalantly she treated her birthday. She was also very grateful, which told me that she maybe wasn't used to receiving a lot. Or maybe that's just who she was, I don't know. What I do know is I enjoyed trying to figure her out via small moments like this.

"I have my ways." I respond to her, still grinning. She definitely didn't need to know that I paid $50 extra for expedited shipping. Not that I minded; her reaction alone was worth it. "Here, I'll throw away your trash." I offer and she hands me the box and the gift bag with another "Thank you". I open the trash can that was placed near the kitchen and to my surprise, there's a fresh-looking bouquet of roses dumped in there, along with a note that I can't really make out under all the petals. That's... peculiar. Maybe she has an ex trying to get her back or something? I don't know why my mind went there first, but the idea makes me feel some type of way for some reason. Right as I'm about to inquire Y/n about it, I hear Troy yell from the kitchen. Shit... I kinda forgot everyone else was here.

"CAKE IS READY!" I turn around to see him even more disheveled than before, holding a very clearly handmade cake with oven mitts that have the words "Twenty Whore" poorly written on it in icing. The sight makes everyone in the room bust up laughing, including myself. The sound of everyone's joy puts me at ease. I try to release any remaining tension and just let myself enjoy the night, making a mental note to ask Y/n about the flowers later.

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