Chapter 6: Never Have I Ever

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Your POV

"Okay, okay. Never have I everrrrr... been to the Met Gala." Joy states after some thought, eyeing Jenna specifically. Game night was in full swing- we've finished half of the alcohol stock, which was evident between everyone's giggles and flushed cheeks and slightly slurred words. Most of my nerves from earlier have vanished thanks to the girls being so fun and welcoming and of course, the alcohol. The more games we played the more we were all getting to know each other, and it may sound silly but it feels like I've known them forever already. I'm definitely drunk, but I've been drinking water in between beverages so I wasn't too bad. I had to stay somewhat coherent because not making a fool of myself in front of Jenna, who just took a drink in response to Joy's "Never have I ever" statement, was still at the forefront of my mind.

"You guys are being boring. Can we please spice this up?" Emma half whined, half-slurred from her position on the couch.

"I'm with that. Never have I ever after dark, let's go." Naomi raised her glass of wine in agreeance. Emma squealed and grabbed her drink from the coffee table, eager to get this "spicy" round going. I was a little nervous for this but drunk me was more curious than anything, so I was a little eager too.

"Okay. Never have I ever kissed a girl." Emma exclaims and everyone looks at each other in amusement to see who might take a drink. Starting off strong, I see. I think I'm the only one as I bring my cup to my lips but I almost spit my drink out when in the corner of my eye I see Jenna, who's sitting next to me on the floor, taking a drink as well.

"Movies don't count, J." Naomi speaks up and Jenna looks at her baffled. She became a lot more expressive when she was drunk and I was amused by every second of it.

"What the hell? So you guys just let me drink for no reason?" She whines in response and I can't stifle my laugh.

"That depends. Have you or have you not kissed a girl outside of Maddie?" Emma interrogates with a slight smirk. My ears perk at the question, but I tried my best to keep a poker face so Jenna wouldn't know that. She looks down and fiddles with her cup, suddenly going timid.

"Well, no..." I swear I see a small blush creep onto her cheeks, but it could just be the alcohol. The girls start to giggle before Johnna interrupts them.

"Wait, Y/n took a drink too. Yours doesn't count if it was for a role, either." She points to me with a scolding face and now I'm the one blushing.

"Oh, Johnna. I am very, very gay. I've kissed multiple girls, and they have all been real." My response makes everyone in the room erupt into laughter. Everyone but Jenna, who's just smiling drunkenly and looking at me with an expression I can't quite read. Her eyes are glazed over and her dimple is the deepest I've ever seen it. I almost get caught in a trance before Naomi speaks, breathless from her laughter.

"Oh! I have a good one. Never have I ever had sex on set." Jenna's eyes stay on me for a few more moments before turning to scan the room for who takes a drink. I do the same and see Joy with her cup to her lips. All of our mouths drop in shock and we all start laughing again.

"Joy! You naughty girl!" I yell and playfully slap her knee while she giggles and shrugs.

"Look, a girl has needs, and our days are long. You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes." Everyone's giggle fit continues before Johnna speaks up again.

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone on set!" The question causes a small eruption of butterflies within my stomach, seeing as my crush was sitting right next to me. Everyone is looking at each other expectantly and after a few moments, I decide to make the first move. The liquid courage was making me feel a little bold, and I didn't have to say who it was, after all. I take a sip of my drink, then I see Emma do the same. I can't help the pang of disappointment I feel when I don't see Jenna take a drink. A harsh wave of reality washes over me and I get the sobering thought that of course Jenna doesn't have a crush on me... she's literally Jenna Ortega and I'm just an extra and I don't even know if she likes women. I had typical gay wishful thinking and she was just being nice. "Basic human decency", as she called it. 

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