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"Good evening !" Fourth said when he opening the door. He was surprise when he see us. I could see that by his face.

"Good evening Fourth son !" My mom was hugging him and said. Then kisses his cheeks for greeted and he did the same.

"Gemini wanted to see you !" My mom told him blushing me in front of him. He looked at me and I smiled with him.

He was took us to the living room. Actually I didn"t know what to do. so I was just looking at them.

"Please sit......I will tell mom to come." He said and smiled with us. I couldn"t even say any word.

"Good evening ! Why didn"t tell us that you are coming here........." Fourth"s mom coming in to the living room and said. While my mom answer to her ,I was looking for Fourth. He didn"t come with his mom.

After bit later Fourth came in to the room holding a small food tray. I was surprise ! Because in our home do these things are maids.

"Excuse me ;" he said and asked my mom to eat something. She smiled with him and thanked him while taking cookies and orange juice.

'Eat something...." Fourth said to me while serve me. I looked at his face. He was so beautiful.

"Thank you !" I said and he nodded while leaving the living room.

"So Gemini............I think you know everything about this. Isn"t it? " Fourth"s mom asked me. "Yeah......mom told me everything and I want to apologies all of you about my late. I was so busy with my works and everything. Anyway I have to leave again after this week. As you all have decided ,we can do this marriage within this week mom." I told Fourth"s mom.

"Don"s say like that son......we know that you have busy with your works. we can understand you." my mother in law said ,smiling.

"But I didn"t tell this to Fourth. Because I thought that you may not come this year too." she said looking at my mom.

"Yeahh.......I didn"t know this too until he came home. we can do this marriage soon Mary !" my mom told her. 'Then Gemini can tell about this to Fourth ! Isn"t it Gemini." my mom asked me and I was looked at my mother in law to know her what she telling.

"Yes.......That"s a good idea Juwel !" she told my mom and they smiled at me. "I think Fourth is in his room. you can go son and tell him about this ." she added.

Then I stood up and went towards to the upstairs to see Fourth. This house is more different than mine. Because there are not any maids in here. when I saw Fourth, I couldn"t breath either. Actually I want to tell this. when my mom told me that he is my fiance. I didn"t take it serious. Because I always thought about my works. But now I was glad about that he was my fiance.

"Knock ! Knock !" ......... After I knocked three times he opened the door.

"Hi ! "........ I looked at his cute face there is in front of me and told. "Hi ! ..... please come inside." He said and closed the door. I looked around his whole room. That wasn"t even big.

"you can sit on the bed ! " He said and smiled. Actually he is beautiful. He didn"t ever look at me directly. He was so charm. I felt so many guilty feeling. Because I made this boy wait for a long time because of me. How I could did that to him.

'When did you come? He asked me ,breaking my whole imagines. "I am really happy today....can I show a thing to you?" He asked me and I nodded. He was really happy and went towards to a cupboard.

"I sewed this for you !' He bringing a snow jacket and sat with me. I was bit surprise before. Because this is the first time we are talking. but he was talking with me nicely and keep talking. My eyes were always looking at his cute face and when he noticed me , he was blushed.

"I have to go again after this week." I told him and he looked at my face with sad mood. But he didn"t show that more, in front of me. So he tried to smile.

'Oh.....really......But that"s okay....Thank you for telling me. " He said smiling. But I know that is not the truth.

"My parents and your parents have decided to do our wedding within this week........actually I liked that. But I want to know your opinion too...." I explained to him.

"I am okay with that ! " He looked at me and said with a smile. "Thank you for sewed this for me. I love it." I said and stood up from the bed.

"But if you have to do more works I can wait..... ' I cut his words and kneeled in front of him.

"I think this is the right time to our marriage . we don"t have to wait for anymore. I am sorry for made you wait because of me. I am sorry !" I said and I hold his hands. This is first time that I touching him. He was embarrassed and shock.

"You don"t have to say like that. I can understand you. I am so happy that you came here today." He smiled and looked down again. I still were kneeled.

"Did you read my letters? ' He aske me with his big eyes. "Yeah.....I read them !" I answered and stood up again.

"Really !" He said and smiled again. " I didn"t think that you will read them". As he finished the last words I looked at him.

"Why?........." I asked him. "Because we haven"t talked with each others !" He said and went towards to the window.

"I always prayed for you. Because you always do work with sea. I am afraid to sea. I always waited when you come back !" He said while looking at the sky. The sky turned dark .Because Its already was passed the evening.

I was sad about him and I felt so many guilty feelings because of me ! I want to make it right. I put my jacket on the bed and went towards the person who standing in front of the window and looking at the sky..............


I THINK THIS CHAPTER IS BORING...... sometimes I can"t think what to write. I am sorry for that. English is not my first language. so if there were any wrongs, plz forgive me. I try to make my mistakes. Have a nice day!

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