Chapter Two - Tear Drops And Vodka Shots

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Moneybags: Okay calm down you sound like one of my fangirls.

Michael Jordan: Sorry bro.

Michael Jordan: WHO SHOULD WE INVITE?!

Smuggler: Talking on the main groupchat would be a smart idea

Michael Jordan: I could kiss all of you right now.

Botched Barbie: Ew.

Smuggler: I'd prefer if you didn't.

Local Crackhead: Calm it buddy

Moneybags: Too far.


Normal people (aka no ozzy's group.)

Jerome: I would like to propose an idea

Billy: Don't proceed, your ideas are shit.

Jerome: I didn't ask for your input.

Jerome: I'm throwing another party

Lily: Do you ever learn?

Penny: I don't think that's a good idea.

Kid/Adam: Oh my God.

Carla: You're taking the piss Jerome.

Ted: And your group agree with this?

Felix: No, Of course we don't.

Monty: Jerome's parties are shit.

Jerome: But you don't see anyone else trying to throw them!

Buggs: We just need something to get us through school.

Jerome: Sooooo

Jerome: Are you all coming?

Billy: Probably

Ted: Yeah

Felix: I kind of have to.

Lily: Since Billy is

Nugget: Since the pretty Lily is

Monty: Why not

Carla: You guys are all demented.

Carla: Yes i am coming.

Penny: Carla i thought you were grounded?

Carla: My parents are out of town for the next couple of weeks

Jerome: Perfect! See you in a week.

Cindy: Can i invite Alice?

Monty: Oh is that your new chosen girlfriend?

Monty: Moved on from Felix quite quick.

Cindy: Oh my God Monty just drop it.

Cindy: Me and Alice are just friends.

Monty: That's exactly what you said about you and Felix.

Felix: Okay we aren't arguing in the party groupchat.

Jerome: Cindy you can invite anyone, i don't care.

Cindy: Thank you.

Monty: You're all a bunch of dicks.


Monty shut his phone down and stared at his white ceiling, longing for answers as to why his now ex-girlfriend had to be so cruel to him. How did she move on so fast? The breakup was eating the ginger alive and there was only so much left of him now and he wasn't sure how long he could take it.

All that filled his mind was her. Sure, she's fucked around with every boy in a 20 mile radius, but there was something special about him and her.

She was nice.

Nice to him anyway.

And now all of that was gone because of Felix Huxley, typical.

All Monty could do was wait it out and find something to distract himself from the blonde. Which felt impossible at the moment.

But he had the weekend to think things over and get his head straight.

2 days to stop thinking about Cindy
2 days to get over Cindy
2 days to find a distraction.

Where on Gods green Earth could he find a distraction?
And what would his distraction be?


Monty rolled his eyes.

Buzz! Buzz!

He clawed his phone to look at the notification:

Starvin Marvin: I've got the greatest idea ever.

Monty didn't know whether to groan or smile. This could make or break his entire life at the moment and Jerome's ideas aren't the best,

But what if he's actually knocked some common sense into himself and figured out a solution to Monty's problem?

He reluctantly picked up his phone and began typing...

No femurs: This better be good.

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