• Chapter 2 •

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Rizwaan's Pov •

How do people manage to be so energetic in the morning? What do they eat? I can never.

" Are you ready? Let's go? " Adrik asked nudging me.

" Yes " I answered picking up my bag and walking out of our room.

I moved in to our hostel room three days back, Adrik was already here by then and he probably is the best roommate ever, we became friends almost instantly.

" Section D " I checked from the chart and made a mental note of it.

" I'm in C " He said, almost disappointed.

" Koi na, we'll have a lot of time in between the lectures to meet. " I gave him a slight push trying to cheer him up.

( No worries )

" Yeahh " That's all the reply I received.

Fortunately, our classrooms were on the same floor. He waved me a bye before entering his classroom and then I moved ahead to enter mine.

Nicee, spacious room.

I found an empty seat in the third row next to a guy with specs, occupying the seat, I turned to wish him a goodmorning but he was too engrossed in his mobile phone so I dropped the idea, pulling my own phone out of my pocket.

While watching stories of a few school friends on Insta, I realised just how much I miss Kashmir and Ammi, I sent her a text, letting her know that I miss her. A reply came in, almost instantly, wishing me best of luck from the entire family in a voice message.

Truly, the best family ever.

I smiled and kept the phone back in my pocket when I realised the professor was here.

New beginnings start from here. From today. Excited would definitely be an understatement for everything that I'm feeling today.
Grateful and blessed. Allahmdulilah.

Bringing my focus back to the class, where the professor was busy introducing himself which I had heard nothing of.
He proceeded to start teaching and I pulled out my notebook to make notes.

You got this, Riz!

• Dhyuti's Pov •

Boring. That's what the first lecture was and that's what I least expected it to be. I wonder how am I gonna survive the next three years. God bless me.

But the one good thing that happened is that I made my first friend in the uni. Is it too soon to call her a friend? Maybe. But anyways, she has been sweet to me for the last 45 minutes so I'm gonna call her a friend.

" I'm going to grab a bite, you wanna join? "
My new friend, Khushpreet asked and I nodded.

The university was enormous, as it should be, and beautiful as well.
I love the vibe.

We reached the canteen and Khushpreet walked to a table where a girl was already seated.

" Meet ziya, she is my roommate. Ziya, this is Dhyuti. " She introduced me to the girl.

Mentally screaming because Ziya has light brown eyes and I love that colour of eyes.

" Nice to meet you, Dhyuti "
Captivated by her eyes? Me? Nahhh.

" Same here, Ziya "
We shared a little hug before sitting down and deciding on what to order.

" You're in the same course as us? " I questioned looking at Ziya.

" Yes, but I'm in section D " She answered with a nod.

" I'll go order fries for all of us, you guys wait " Khushpreet said and left.

We were both busy on our phones and hardly talked. I updated maa about the first lecture and wished me luck for the next one.

I definitely need that after this boring start of my college life.

" You live in hostel? " Ziya asked after a while and I shook my head in negative.

" Nope, I'm from Delhi itself so I don't " Ziya gave me a small, sad smile.

" Ahh that's great, I wish I could live with my family too. I'm from Kashmir actually "

Kashmir, heaven on earth. Oh how I love that place!

" Ayee, that's sad but whenever you want to eat ghar ka khaana or want to feel at home, you can visit my place. " I offered and she gave me one of her brightest smiles till now.

( home cooked food )

" You're so sweet! Thankyou! " I just smiled rather than saying anything.

Are we smiling more than required? And where the hell is Khushpreet?

" Sorryyy! It took time. Heree " Khushpreet said rushing back to her seat and placing the fries on our table.

Sau saal ki umar hai iski.

( She'll live a hundred years )

" Thankyou " Both I and Ziya said in unison and chuckled.

I made another friend, maybe? Maybe.

" Let's rush now, our lecture begins in five minutes " Khushpreet said standing up after 15 minutes and dusting off her jeans. I glanced at my watch to check the time and we might get late for the next and the last lecture of the day if we don't run now.

" Yes let's goo! Byee Ziyaa, it was nice meeting you. See you! " I said getting up and picking up my bagpack.

" Samee here, Dhyuti! See ya! " She waved us bye and we rushed towards our class.

I had my phone in my hand since I was using it and forgot to put it back in my pocket when I bumped into a guy and it fell straight, it's screen hitting the ground.

What on seven circles of earth!

" I'm so sorry! " The guy said before I could say anything and picked up my phone.

That's rare, 9 of 10 people would never accept their mistake but instead point out mine. Sensible people are still left on earth, that's good to see.

" It's okay, it's the screen guard that cracked, I'll get it replaced. Thankyou " I took the phone back from him and observed the crack carefully, it was small, the screen must be fine.

" Ahh, thankgod. " He replied and smiled.

Charismatic smile.

" Let's go Dhyuti! " Khushpreet pulled me with her, I turned back to return his smile but he had walked away till then.

Next time maybe.

We reached our class just on time before the lecture began.

• Rizwan's Pov •

Those jhumke and that bindi really enhanced her features more, but I'm sure she looks equally beautiful without them too.

That's it for the chapter, lovelies! ♥️
I hope you like Rizwaan so farr!
Our dear Dhyuti and Rizwaan have already met eachother, more like bumped into eachother, let's see where this little incident of their lives take them.

Another update I've for y'all is that I'll publish a chapter every Tuesday and Friday from noww! Soo see ya on Friday!

Till then signing off
Mrs Karan Kundrra ❤️

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