Storms-Liz & Elaine

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I'm shooting a scene outside with Elaine. This scene was slated for 30 minutes but it's been over an hour and because I keep messing up my lines.

All I can focus on is the clouds that are becoming darker by the minute signaling that it's going to start storming.

"LIZ" the stage manager yells, snapping me out of my daze.

"Sorry, what?" I say back.

"It's your line."

And this is why this scene is taking so long. I can't work with clouds. I know it's an irrational fear but that doesn't mean I can just get rid of it.

Elaine gives me a concerned look and mouths are you okay?

I shake my head no and she puts her hand on my back.

I'm terrified that it's going to start storming. My hands are shaking and I just want to leave work.

I'm about to ask what my line is when I feel a raindrop fall on my head. Then it starts downpouring within a matter of seconds.

No no no no no no no.

My heart is beating out of my chest and I want to cry.

"Okay, pack it up! We'll finish this later." The director yells.

"Elaine, Liz, take five. If the storm stops then we'll try to finish but for now you're free to go to your trailers."

The crew starts putting all the equipment away and the director goes off to talk to them.

Elaine takes my hand and drags me to her trailer where we sit down on her couch.

"Talk to me." She says.

"I don't know." I look down at my hands.

"The rain making you anxious?"

I hear a loud clap of thunder that makes me jump.

"Very." I respond.

"Take deep breaths."

"I'm trying... I'm okay, I just need a minute to calm down."

I sink back into the couch and mindlessly run my fingers through the ends of my hair.

"Dang humidity." I groan.

She turns the tv on and cranks the volume up to 30.

"Ugh." I groan.

"What? I thought you would appreciate having something on. It would give you something to focus on other than the rain."

"Okay, but do we have to watch the cooking channel? It just makes me mad that I can't eat any of the food."

She hands me the remote to change it.

"I can't eat any of it either but suit yourself."

"Do you want something to drink? I have water... or iced tea?" Elaine asks as she starts to get up.

"Water's fine. Thanks." I reply.

She walks over to the small mini fridge on the other side of the trailer and gets me a bottle.

"Here." She hands me the bottle and sits down next to me.

"What are we watching?"

"I don't know. They don't play any good shows during the day."

I click through the channels. It's all reality tv and cheesy sitcoms, not even the good ones.

I stop in my tracks when The Nanny comes on- it's an episode from the first season too.

Finally some quality tv.

I open my water bottle and take a sip.

We sit quietly for a while watching Fran go on one of her little escapades.

I love The Nanny and it's been way too long since I've watched it. I watched it so much as a kid.

"How are you doing with the weather?" Elaine asks me when the commercial comes on.

"I mean I don't love it, but I'm okay."

"Do you get like this every time it rains?"

"I don't think so, I think it was just particularly bad today and that combined with being stuck outside just really freaked me out. It's just an irrational fear I've had since I was a kid. I used to beg my mom to stay home from school if there was even a chance of a storm."

"I'm sorry you have to go through that. That sounds awful."

I mess with my ring.

"Thanks, I'm slowly getting better at dealing with it. I used to have a full on panic attack every time it would rain..." I pause. "Thank you for taking me in your trailer, this really helped."

"Liz of course, you can come in here any time. Just let me know if you ever need a distraction or someone to talk to when you're panicking, I got your back."

I smile and go back to watching tv, feeling a lot better than I was half an hour ago.

Elizabeth Gillies Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now