Robert Price

Head of the Snake

I scratch off number three and take a moment to look at my kill list. I still have a lot of monsters to find, and when I do, I will send them to meet death. But for now, I take solace from the three names that or no longer living. They will never be able to take anything from me again.

I put my journal on the desk and head to the bathroom. Sleep is calling to me, but not before a hot shower. I strip the clothes I wear for night work off. Leaving them lying on the floor. I catch my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I enter. Long red hair that sways around my curves. Bright green eyes that hide all the pain set atop a button nose dusted with freckles. My eyes lower on their own. The white lines of old scars travel from my chest down my abdomen, stopping just above my pelvis bone. I can't not see them no matter how hard I try to ignore the raised ugly lines.

I turn away from my haunted reflection; no use ruminating about the past.

I turn the water on. The old pipes groan their displeasure and take their time to warm up. I step in, letting the hot water wash away the dirt and blood from a successful hunt. The water starts to cool all too soon, so I begrudgingly leave the comfort of the warm water and step into the cool air—Goosebumps pebble across my naked body. I don't bother brushing my hair or drying off; I wrap a towel around myself and open the door.

    When I emerge from the steamy bathroom, I see the silhouette of a man sitting on my bed, legs crossed, holding my journal—looking way too comfortable in my space.

"Uncle Jasper, you should learn to knock. What if I was naked?" I raise my eyebrows and smirk.

"Payton, I assume you went out tonight?" he looks up from my journal and casts a disapproving look my way.

"It's best you don't know. That way, you won't have to lie if anyone should ask about my whereabouts." I grab some clothes and duck back into the bathroom to change. Standard academy sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt with the school logo across the front.

Uncle Jasper looks unmoored when I return. I walk over and sit beside him on the bed; the springs squeak from the extra weight.

"it's rude to read a girl's journal," I say as I take it from his hands, closing it and wrapping the leather string around it. He turned those sad amber eyes my way.

" I know why you do it, Payton, and I don't blame you, but I promised to keep you safe and look after you."

I take his hand and mine. They are soft, the fingernails filed and neatly trimmed. One would never guess what these hands have done. The carnage they have left behind. "You have. You are the reason I am safe in school. Well, as safe as a fox surrounded by wolves can be." His eyes jump up to meet mine.

"Has anyone been bothering you?" His voice is more wolf than man.

"No, I was only kidding. No need to let the big bad wolf out." I smile, hoping he lets it go. I can take care of myself. The last thing I need is my Uncle, the headmaster, to make a scene.

"I know you can." He leaned over and kissed my forehead. Then stood up and walked to the door. His long legs ate up the distance in two strides. He pauses at the door and looks back. "Good night paypay." I smile at the nickname and whisper. "Goodnight, uncle."

As soon as the door closes, I burrow under the blankets. Exhausted from my night, I fall right to sleep.

Chapter Two

I wake up just as the sun chases the shadows from my room. It's still early. I could go back to sleep, but my stomach rumbles, reminding me I didn't eat dinner last night. I can never eat before a hunt. Too nervous.

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