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"Do you think I'm scary?" she asked, tears drenching her once calm face. The boar was dumbfounded.

"Huh? What the hell do you mean?" he asked. "You honestly think I'm scared of you? I have to protect you ta damn brat!! Why would I be..."

"That's not what I meant," Tsubasa quickly shut him up. "I mean... Do you think, the others.... the ones who aren't as awesome as you.... are scared of me?"

Inosuke was about to retort again but soon saw the hurt in her eyes. Instead of the harsh tone he was about to yell in, he knelt down in front of her and spoke gently.

"Of coarse not. Why would you think that? You're my brat, not a demon."

"Well," she struggled to find words. "My gift... It allows me to predict what others are going to say or do. No one can keep anything from me unless I choose not to know. And sometimes, I read people's minds out loud for fun. I don't do it to scare them. But...."

She took a deep breath, forcing herself not to cry. "But sometimes people think its scary how I can do that. They've never said it out loud but they've thought it loud and clear. Even demons....... Even demons are scared of me Inosuke." Long awaited tears fell from her magenta orbs once more.

"All I do, I do to make others happy. Sure I know I can be annoying at times but.... The last thing I'd ever want to come off as is scary. Am I...... Do I......" She didn't know what to say anymore.

"You really are a brat," Inosuke grumbled lowly. 

"Huh?" Tsubasa gave him a hurt glance.

"You really are a brat if you're gonna let what others think define you. So what if they think you're scary!? THEY'RE WEAK!!!! They're afraid of you because of something you can't control or take away? WHAT THE HELL!!"

Inosuke was getting angry. Not with Tsubasa but with the people who dared make her upset over something that made her unique. How dare they!! They wouldn't be getting anywhere alive if the King of the Mountains had something to say about it!

Sadly though, he didn't.

Tsubasa would never let him hurt someone. It would make her sad. And the only thing worse than demons to him was seeing Tsubasa sad.

He cupped her face with his palm. "Listen, Brat. They're nothing. They're all nothing! And you shouldn't care about what nothings think. You're special and you're strong and you're powerful! You're my brat for crying out loud!!"

He lowered his tone once again. "Don't be sad. Being sad makes you look not powerful. And my brat is powerful so why shouldn't she look it?" He smiled a proud smile on Tsubasa's behalf as he praised her. 

Then he wiped her tears. "Now, smile for me Brat. The King of the Mountains commands it."

A heartbeat later, Tsubasa smiled a small smile. "Well, how could I defy the King of the Mountains?" she asked as a joke.

"Easy." Inosuke grinned. 

"Become his queen."

"Huh?" Tsubasa wasn't quite sure he heard right. If she didn't know better she'd think it was a confession....

But this was Inosuke we were talking about!! He didn't know the first thing about love or confessions or.... anything! Or so she thought...

Before Tsubasa could answer though, he spoke up. "I told ya to smile didn't I? Do it."

The purplette cracked a small smile and tiny white bubbles appeared around the boar's head. He couldn't help smiling back. She smiled. He smiled. They smiled at each other. As they smiled, they drew closer... and closer. Closer still. But just when the gap between them was about to close....


Tsubasa's Kasagai crow came cawing overhead and the two looked away to look at it. Tsubasa smiled, "Thank you, Taiyaki." And the crow gave a 'you're welcome' squawk and went to its personal birdbath and had a meal of seeds laid out for it.

"I have a mission, Inosuke," she beamed at the boar.

"Let me go with you," he suggested.

Tsubasa shook he head lightly, "Maybe next time. It's a duo mission and I already have a partner. I'd love to spend some time with them, it's been so long since we went on missions together after all."

Inosuke was about to protest but he saw the longing in the purplette's eyes, then thought against it. "Fine. But if you get hurt and I'm not there to protect you I'll never forgive you! Ya hear me?"

"Loud and clear!" Tsubasa beamed, all the tears long gone. "Thank's Inosuke," she then thanked him. The boar huffed and turned away. She took the opportunity to get out of the spring without him looking. She put on a pink yakuta that was nearby and headed to her bedroom to change. Once out, Inosuke looked her up and down, only now noticing the changes.

"Your uniform," he pointed. "It's different."

"Mm-hm," she beamed. "The other one is my annoying child Tsubasa uniform. This one is my Emotion Pillar Tsukishiro Tsubasa uniform." She twirled and her skirt flew along with her haori. Her warding mask stayed in place as she tied her hair into its usual messy ponytail tied with a braid , letting her bangs conceal her forehead as usual.

"I like it," the boar said. "It suits you. You're powerful and should look powerful as well." He grinned, "You are my brat after all."

She smiled. "Yeah. I am."


Meanwhile, the Flame Pillar of the Taisho Era, Rengoku Kyojuro was just about to head out.

"Going on a mission, Rengoku?" Shinobu stopped to ask him.

"Yes! I am!" he replied with a jovial tone. "There have been reports of people going missing on the Mugen Train! I have been assigned to go and investigate. It might be a powerful demon!"

"Oh dear, that sounds horrible," Shinobu said though she was beaming. "Do be careful Rengoku. We wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"Of coarse!" the man replied. "I will be alright! I have, after all, my favorite partner on this duo mission!"

"Yes. You two have always been undefeated. I wish you well then. Goodbye." The butterfly lady then left and the Flame Pillar made his way out the gate and to his next mission."


Hi hi!!<3

We're finally making more progress!! I haven't been posting much because of school but I will be now I have a bit of free time! Hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

Happy Day, Afternoon or Night and Happy Reading!!


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