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A few days had passed and because of Shinobu's fast working medicine, the three were already feeling better. In about a week's time they were supposed to start their rehabilitation training but for now they were left to rest. Tsubasa hadn't come to visit them once and though none of them showed it, it was worrying all of them.

Especially Inosuke.

The boar was growing restless. He enjoyed her presence much more than he showed. Her smile was calming and refreshing to him, she was the only one who could handle his tantrums. She was the only one who could handle him! And he was the only one who could protect her!

Inosuke didn't give two damns that Tsubasa was a Hashira. Hashira or not he was going to protect her from everything! Especially from nightmares! He'd promised. 

"I wonder how Tsubasa is doing," Tanjiro thought out loud one night.

"Do you think maybe our injuries reflected on her?" Zenitsu asked. 

"Sadly, they did."

The triplets walked in to give them all their medication. 

Naho spoke. "Tsu-chan's gift is a double-edged sword."

"When she's close to severely injured people the injuries reflect on her body as well," follwed by Kiyo.

"So at this point in time she's actually in a lot of pain," added Sumi.

"But as long as she has some time to herself she'll be okay."

"I see," Tanjiro mumbled. 

"So every time I get hurt I hurt Tsubasa as well?" Zenitsu asked, growing sad. 

"She wouldn't want us to dwell on that," the maroonette told him. "Let's continue being good friends with her!

"Yeah!" the blonde agreed.


Night fell and all was quiet. Tanjiro and Zenitsu were getting ready for bed when suddenly...


The two perked up to look at him. It was late at night and the first time Inosuke spoke since the time they came from Mount Natugumo.


"What about Tsu-chan?" Zenitsu asked. He'd heard the nickname being used on her and wanted to try it himself. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Suddenly, Inosuke burst out of bed and started looking around frantically. "Where is she!? Where's the damn brat!?" he hollered. Tanjiro and Zenitsu had to pin him to stop the boar from running. 

"Inosuke! What is wrong with you!?" Tanjiro exclaimed. 

"The damn brat!! I HAVE TO PROTECT HER!!!" 

"Protect her from what!? Tsu-chan's  home is covered in Wisteria! Nothing can hurt her!"  Zenitsu tried to reason. 


I have to stop the nightmares from attacking her!!" Inosuke declared as he struggled in their hold. 

"If you're looking for the Emotion Hashira," Naho started.

"You'll most likely find her at the Kanjou Estate," said Sumi.

"It's not too far from here," Kiyo added.

"Look for the glow of Wisteria."

"It's getting late."

"You'd better hurry."

With those words, the boar broke free of his friends and dashed out of the Butterfly Mansion. Tanjiro and Zenitsu looked at the triplets, confused. 

"But, won't his injuries hurt Tsubasa?" the maroonette asked. 

"Inosuke healed completely physically a few days ago," said Sumi. 

"All he needed was to heal mentally," added Naho.

"And being together would be better for both Tsu-chan and Insouke," ended Kiyo.


It didn't take him long to find the Kanjou Estate, surrounded by large lush blooming Wisteria trees. But Inosuke couldn't care less about pretty flowers now! He barged into the  building.

"Tsubasa!!" he hollered and started running around. Finally he came to a certain room and flew the door open with a loud bang. Inside he found Tsubasa sitting on her bed looking completely drained. 

When she saw the boar she smiled. "Oh. Hi Inosuke. What brings you here, are you feeling better?" she asked, beaming.

The boar rushed to hers, jumped onto the bed, knelt in front of her then pinched her cheeks. "Wipe that fake smile off your face you damn brat!! it's obvious you're not okay so don't pretend!!" 

Tsubasa was taken aback. Usually she was the one reading people and yelling at them to not pretend. But Inosuke seemed to see right through her! She stared at him, wondering how to react. He removed his boar hide, allowing her to get lost in his blazing emerald orbs. They stared hard into each other's eyes until....

"Tsu-chan." Giyuu appeared at the door. He was from a mission and he'd come to check on her as he always did when he came from one. She was his number one priority, after all. Tsubasa didn't look his way though.

"Hi Nii-nii, I'm okay," she said, still getting lost in the emerald pools. "I think I'll be fine with Inosuke so don't worry."

The Water Pillar stared at the boar for a moment before he finally gave a slight nod. "Good night, Nii-nii," Tsubasa said before Giyuu disappeared behind the door once more. 

"You still haven't told me why you're here," she pointed out to the boy. Just then, Inosuke tackled her in a hug and and rolled over a number of times before they were both in the middle of the bed covered by the blanket.

"I'm here to protect you from the nightmares, silly!" he acclaimed, looking determined. Tsubasa smiled, one of her extremely rare genuine smiles. It melted Inosuke's heart to see her happy and tiny white bubbles appeared around his head. 

"And it's perfect timing, I just woke up from one," Tsubasa admitted, sighing. I was afraid I wouldn't sleep all tonight." The girl snuggled closer to him. Something about her words made Inosuke feel uneasy. Did she have nightmares all the time? That must be uncomfortable for her and it pissed Inosuke off to see Tsubasa upset.

He hugged her tighter. "Don't you worry. I'll never let them hurt you again." 

With that, the two fell into a sound sleep. No nightmares troubled the Emotion Pillar and with the amount of bliss that filled her from Inosuke's embrace, she doubted they'd ever attack her again.


Hi hi! <3

Sorry that this chapter was mostly filler but I felt it had been a while since Inosuke and Tsubasa had a cute moment so I thought, why not? But otherwise I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the rest of the book so far as much as I enjoy writing!!

Happy Day, Afternoon or Night and Happy Reading!!


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