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y/n pov

i couldn't help the fact that i laughed. its so middle school, but it also kind of reminds me of how easy life used to be when i was younger.

"but with alcohol!!" he beams.

okay, so maybe not so middle school. lol. i would rather drink anyway, it makes shit more interesting.

"alright, here's them rules bitch-"

"everyone knows how to play this game. no explanation needed." kageyama says, rolling his eyes. "except maybe for hinata, who knows what's going on in his empty head."


"im making NEW rules. interesting rules!" noya has a sneaky look on his face, peering at everyone in the room. me and daichi give each other a side glance, knowing some bullshit is about to ensue.

"alright so, truth or dare right?" everyone's eyes are glassed over. "BUT! if you don't do the dare or pass on the truth, you have to take a shot of..." he whips out a bottle from behind him. "the cheapest shittiest tequila i could find!" i immediately gag. there is absolutely no fucking way that bottle is getting in a 5 inch radius of me.

everyones face drops, except kasumis. "can i take one for fun?!" she beams, scrunching her fingers in a 'give me' motion. i look at her disgusted, even though i know she LOVES tequila. even when the tequila that tastes worse than using your mouth as an oil pan under your car.

tanaka leans behind kasumis back to whisper in my ear, "she is the coolest hottest person i have ever met. i owe my life to you." the face he gave me was a little too solemn, but i giggled nevertheless.

"oh and also-" suga facepalms at noya's continuation of rules, "everyone gets ONE force." my eyebrow shoots up. what the fuck does that mean. "it means, each person in this room gets one time to force someone to do what they asked, they can't take a shot as a pass." he says proudly, a snarky smile on his face and arms crossed. okay, now this will be interesting.

"bottle, i need an empty bottle!" noya sticks his hand out expectantly. suga chugs the rest of his beer, tossing it over. "here we GOO!" he spins the bottle with incredible force, everyone watching it spin around in anticipation. it ends up landing on asahi, which is interesting because he's been so quiet.

"um.. truth?" he seems fucking terrified. i would be too.

"i figured! lets see.." noya taps his chin for a minute. "is it true that you still watch my little pony? at your big age?" i am CACKILINGGGGG. but i also feel bad because he got so embarrassed. i see daichi look at the ground, like he already knows but doesn't want to make him feel bad. that was so MEANN holy shit. what a precursor for this game.

"i- um-" he sighs. "can you just give me the the darn bottle? i would rather not say it out loud.." he mumbles, noya gladly passing it over. we watch as he takes a swig from the bottle, shutting his eyes and plugging his nose. i still feel bad for him. my god.

he wipes his mouth and spins. "that was mean, noya!" he states, looking down. i can tell noya felt bad too. oops! regardless, he half-heartedly spins the bottle.

it lands on suga. "dare me some shit, asahi!"

"okay, uh, hop on one leg for 10 seconds."

tanaka looked exasperated. "hell no, that was weak as shit, try again man!"

kageyama leans over and whispers something to him, and asahi's eyes widen. "oh lord, can i make him do that??" kageyama nods, smirking. suga's eyes widen, even im a little nervous.

"so, um, okay wow. lick daichi's toes?" WHAT THE FUCK? everyone in the room is silent, staring at kageyama. daichi is pale as a ghost. "am-am i aloud to say no?" daichi pleads. sugas hands are dragging down his face. "both of you would have to drink." kageyama states.

"god damn, didn't know you had a thing for toes..." tanaka shoots a crazy eyed glance at him, and he just shrugs. i am still shellshocked, as is literally everyone else.

"bottle. now." their responses were completely in sync. with a grimace, they both bring the bottle to their lips and drink. daichi gags, which is hilarious.

"good christ, okay! my turn." suga whips the bottle around, landing on kasumi. "dare me something!! i won't back out, unless its fucking weird. no toes please." i snicker.

"i will mix 3 random things in my fridge together and you have to drink it." again, i grimace. "do your worst." she remarks, hand on her hips. "oh my god, suga let me help PLEASE!"

"alright, y/n, lets get some gross shit together." he smirks. we both get up, kasumi now worried because she knows i am an expert in her likes and dislikes.

we talk in a low whisper in the kitchen, even though the music is probably loud enough to cover us. "she fucking HATESS peanut butter. that needs to be in there."

"done. should we blend it?"

"fuck yes we should! okay what's next?"

"ketchup. i feel that that would be nasty."

"oh most definitely." i start peering around in his fridge, and i get an evil little idea. "um, tell me if this is fucked up, but should we put this left over salmon in there too?"

"god damn you are a MENACE." he stares at me. "but yes, give me that shit."

the group hears the blender go off, and i see kasumi stiffen as i laugh. suga and i slowly walk over with our concoction. it kind of resembles the color mold and stomach bile. yummy!

"am i allowed to ask what it is?"

"nope!" we say together, grinning.

sighing, she takes this shit like a damn champion. choking it down while it runs down her face. i almost vomited watching her. im pretty sure asahi had to leave the room.

"wasn't so-HUMGH-" she makes this sound like she's gonna vomit, running outside whilst tripping on the carpet. everyone is cackling, except kageyama.


"brother, you wanted to see toes getting licked." tanaka states matter of factly. he rolls his eyes.

a couple of minutes later, kasumi stumbles back in. "fuck this game.." she mumbles sitting back on the couch. "so can you NOW tell me what it is?"

suga cocks his head. "do you.. really want to know?"

"um," she burps. "actually no not really. but its my turn now!" she gladly spins, definitely planning something evil. i watch it spin and spin until, unfortunately, i am staring down the barrel of the bottle.

she gives me an EVIL side eye. motherfucker.

i sigh. "do a dare. i deserve it."

"take your bra off under your shirt and throw it out the window."

i stiffen. i can't even look at daichi. noya and hinata are eyeing me a little too much. its not even that i won't do it. what i have to say is so much more embarrassing than this.

"um-" i swallow. "im.. not.. wearing a bra right now." i mumble. my cheeks are redder than a second degree burn. i still CANNOT look at daichi.

"oh yeah! i forgot!" she says cheerily. "guess that means i need to pick another one!"

ruthless as HELL.

"okay! new dare!" she thinks for a second. "someone has to give you a massage for one minute. but you have to kiss them after they are done, WITHOUT knowing who it is." suga scratches his head, daichi bites his hand, and i am giving her a horrified look. now this game is getting real interesting.

"uh, bottle?" i smile weakly. i only want to be with daichi, and i do NOT want to kiss anyone here other than him. lmfao.

she smiles. "force." my face pales. 'are you fucking for real?' i mouthed to her.

all she did was wink.

words: 1298

AN: was this an evil place to leave off? possibly. oh well! good times:)

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