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The bell finally rang, signaling that class is over for the day. I grab my stuff from my desk and head straight to the gym, I knew I couldn't be late for practice again this week.

"Woahhh y/n, whatcha walking so fast for? Someone light a fire under your ass?" your best friend Kasumi snickers from behind. She jogs to catch up to your fast pace, as you haven't missed a step.

"Dude I can't be late for practice again! I stopped by the vending machine to grab a drink yesterday and I ran late because I couldn't decide what I wanted. Coach Washijo chewed me out for that one." I sighed, I feel like I can't catch a damn break.

"Sheesh, well get in there before he's got his panties in a twist! See ya tonight, right? We gotta rewatch Attack on Titan before the new episodes come out!"

"Yeah, yeah, of course! As long as you bring the popcorn!" you exclaimed as you ran into the gym. Hopefully she heard you.

Perfect, 2 minutes early, I thought as a wave of relief flooded over me. Coach may be short, but man is he terrifying.

Practice began and I started to fill all the water bottles up as the boys warmed up. As I set all the bottles on the bench, Tendou waved erratically to me while they were stretching, receiving an icy cold side eye from Ushijima. I snickered, the only person who isnt intimidated by Ushijima is Tendou. I seriously don't know how his soul doesn't leave his body when he's on that end of THE glare.

A couple hours passed and practice was over. "How's the best manager in the entire WORLD doing on this fine Friday evening?" Tendou winks and shoots little finger guns at me. I can't help but to laugh, he's just such a funny guy.

"I'm doing just awesome, Tendou. Thanks for asking."

"Geez, why do you always have to be creepy Tendou-san?" Goshiki rolls his eyes, walking over to us.

"Psh, am not."

"Are to."

"Am NOT!"


"Would you guys stop this childish debate?" Ushijima states as he suddenly appears in front of us. For such a big guy, I swear he's got the footsteps of a mouse!

Goshiki shrinks down while Tendou just laughs and slaps Ushijima on the back. "Comeonnn Ushiwaka, were just playin around! Have a little fun!"

Let me tell you, the face he made at Tendou could scare an entire army away. He's honestly a nice guy, its just not easy to see past his hard exterior.

I've known the whole team for a while now. I started as the team manager when I was a first year, and it was terrifying. I never thought I would be as close with the team as I am now as a third year. These guys have become some of my best friends, and I have no idea what I'd do without them.

"Well, I'd rather not be at the scene of a murder so I'm gonna get going! See y'all later, or maybe not.." I said as a slowly backed away, a giggle escaping my lips. Ushijima rolled his eyes and headed the opposite direction with both his teammates, leaving me to my peaceful walk home.

words: 592
hello! uh this is my first wattpad story so it might be terrible lol honestly dont even know if im gonna take it out of the drafts. seeing where this goes tbh, if i do release it hello! thanks for reading:)

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