Ch. 1

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3rd person POV:
Y/N is in his room, bored as usual when he gets an idea to just simply go for a walk in the woods nearby.

In the woods:


Y/N: "This was something I needed, I never thought this could be this nice to just go on a walk."

???: "You couldn't be anymore wrong."

You whirled around to see where the voice came from, and what you saw could only be described as a tall woman without a face.

You felt yourself freeze up as you saw it, and then you ran, ran as fast as you could back to your home. But the forest seemed to never end, you kept pushing and pushing noticing some sheets of paper along the way as you then get a splitting headache as a static seems to cover your eyes and fill your ears.

???: "You were impressive with your running, but how fast can you keep up with that. How about a deal? I'll let you live if you collect 8 pages I've spread around the forest. But I'll kill you if you don't find them fast enough."

Y/N: "Well, before we start, could I at least know your name?"

???: "Fine, I guess you deserve as much."

Slenderwoman: "I am Slenderwoman, now you know my name. I think it's only fair to know yours."

Y/N: "It's Y/N, Y/N L/N." You said while still under the effects of the adrenaline.

Slenderwoman: "Well, Y/N, we will begin in 3... 2... 1!"

A bell seems to toll in your head as Slenderwoman dissappears into the infinite nothingness.

3rd person POV:

Y/N is running as fast as he can as he manages to collect all 8 pages just before Slenderwoman can stop him on the last page.

Slenderwoman POV:

Slenderwoman: 'He actually managed it, this is new. I don't know if I should even let him back to his own home, I have to take him back to the mansion. It's the best option.


Slenderwoman: "I'm surprised you managed to collect every page Y/N."

Y/N: "So can I go home now?"

Slenderwoman: "I decided you're coming with me back to the mansion. Whether or not you decide you want to go back home."

Y/N: "What?! But we had a deal!"

Slenderwoman: "I can't risk you revealing my existence, so you're coming back with me to the mansion."

Y/N: 'Guess I don't really have a choice, so I guess I might as well. How bad could it be?'

Slenderwoman: "Good, you know you can't stop this."

Slenderwoman places her hand on your head as static fills her eyes and ears again, returning the headache. As you open your eyes after the pain subsides, you see a mansion in front of you as Slenderwoman teleports to somewhere, which you assume is inside.

When you knock on the door, you hear Slenderwoman in your head

Slenderwoman: "Everyone knows you're here. Some of them are impressed, others are livid about you going to be living here."

As you open the door expecting some sort of resistance which your intuition is met with a knife right next to your head in the wall. As you look to see who threw it, it appears to be a woman with bleached skin and a carved smile.

Slenderwoman appears and gives the woman a slap with one of her tendrils.

???: "Ow, what was that for Slenda?!"

Slenderwoman: "We don't attack people who just arrived, Jess." She said with a stern tone.

Jess: "Okay, jeez, get off my back."

Slenderwoman: "Y/N, this person who just tried to kill you is Jess, Jess, this is Y/N. Y/N, come here. I need to show you where you'll be staying."


Author's note:

This is my first book, so sorry if it's a bit bad, I don't plan on people reading this, but if you like it, please continue reading. :)

663 Words.

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