Important Update

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Hello! If you're reading this book, then this book has some slight/mild language features. If you're not comfortable with this, then I'm sorry

"Hello" - talking
"😁 " - cussing
"HELLO" - yelling

I'm truly very sorry, I thought when I made this as a joke, I thought that I could make seem a lot more fun, even as a draft I joked about publishing it, I had so many ideas for it, but ever since publishing it, I've seen every single one of you guys wanting more, I, myself, is an amateur writer, I have no talent, and I want to just say that when I had so many things planned, I did, until I realized that I couldn't do so much of it.

I'm willing to let this story be renewed and/or adopted by someone else, I've already made a new story, one with a lot of hope I've been willing to publish for a long times now

But since I've always wondered after my hiatus, when will I publish on this story?

The answer is quite simple, I have no more ideas for this story anymore,  I'm sad to say this when I'm no longer in the Avatar the last Airbender fandom, because I no longer watch it.

It is also due to the fact that I had my school time mixed in with the activities my dormitory had provided me over the past 2 months.
To say the least, I don't have time to watch and rewatch every single season of Atla

It saddens me when I had promised that I would finish this last year, but that was when I was still a little too naive at the time

I'm sorry to say that this story is now officially discontinued.

It's too much for an amateur writer like me.

But yes, I still have other stories planned out, I have 3 of the chapters already written.

When will I publish it? I have no idea

Again, im sorry, but if you're willing to adopt this story,  you have my full permissionto fo do, but you'd have to credit me for the original work.

Muichiro Tokito, as the reader in my story, was always interesting to me, but with his character,  it felt a little out of place for me because Muichiro was a hard  character to write because of his aloof and serious personality.

I had no time.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Clouded Mist [Atla x Muichiro!reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang