(2) Working isnt working.

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Evans point of view

I wake up somewhere that isn't my families house.

Where am I?

" Oh, you're awake. "

" Good evening. I think. "

I say, rubbing my eyes and massaging my head to be more awake, feeling a bump on my forehead.

" Was I.. Was I knocked out? "
" Yes. "
" By you? "
" No. "

He lies. I can tell it by his eyes and ears. His ears are red.

" You're lying . Your ears are red. "
"No their not. "

He hides them.
Why is he being so weird?

" .. Alright then. "

I play it off sadly, I mean.. he is really cute.. 5'11. Same as me, it looks the same age, 19.
Brown hair, brown, almost black looking eyes.. a full peiced suit drenched in water.. and a bit of blood on his mouth and sides.

Alex's point of view

" Look, to be here, you need to work for me. Got it? "

I say, trying to reason with him, because I really don't know how to help him with anything else. I know nothing of makeup and stuff like that. I'm a professional.

He nods.

" What's my working of? "
" I'm a Mafia worker. Do you know what Mafia does?? "
" .. I can't kill. I..No, I can't do that. "
" Yes, you can, don't lie. "
" I can, fine. I've done it before ... with animals .. "
" Perfect. If you know how to kill animals, you do the same thing with humans . "
" But - "
" But nothin'. Your training will start tomorrow. "
" Fine .. Can you at least train me ? "

I laugh at him. Hysterically.

" Hell no ! "
" I'm the leader of this, dontcha know? "

" Oh .. Well, sorry. "

He says sarcastically.

I then grab his chin, inches away from his face, my nails dug into his skin where it'd hurt and make a mark.. but not blood drawn.

" Don't act all prissy. I don't like prissy princes. "

Then he's laughing at me.

" That is the most stupidest thing you've ever said to me.. And we just met! "


y ears light up again, but my face drops.
Now i'm actually mad.

Evan's point of view

I'm sitting on the couch. as he's LITERALLY TWO INCHES AWAY FROM ME.
I'm probably red right now. God, what do I do ???

Thank god he pulls his hand off of me.
I was seriously gonna get a fucking boner.
I think I already do..

He looks down.
Yeah...mhm I do.

" Do you have- you- "

He's shocked?? Huh.

Wait, I- Shit.

" Uh.. u-uhm.. "
" Don't worry. I do, too. "

I..I can't help but blush.
A Mafia ceo actually likes me..?

" Working isn't gonna work. I'll take a hiatus off just to be with you. "
" Uh- HUH?? "
" .. You heard what I said. "
" ... I .. Uh. Y-yes sir. "

He blushed as well and sits in my lap..oh my God.

" Call me that again. "
" S-sir ..? "

I feel something poke.
Oh my fucking God.

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