"If you command me to marry for an alliance I will happily agree but never to a Frey," he says seriously.


"Lord Stark, I was wondering if I could speak with you for a minute?" I ask while walking into the Hand's office.

"Of course," he says, putting down the parchment he was reading.

"I know we left Winterfell very quickly but I had invited Theon Greyjoy to come to the Capital with us so I could try to bring the Iron Islands into the fold. I was just wondering if you could send for him," I explained.

"Of course. Are you trying to make alliances in preparation for the war?" He asks.

"Yes, actually. Unfortunately my siblings are too young for many of the High Lord's children. I was contemplating using Greyjoy to make a marriage alliance," I say hoping for his opinion.

"Yes, that would be smart. My son Robb also needs to marry soon. My wife has put it off long enough," he responds.

"Sansa and I were going over handmaidens for her, Margaery Tyrell is 16. I'm told she is beautiful and smart, however she has ambitions on becoming Queen. Maybe an alliance with House Tyrell will be good for both the crown and the North, afterall Winter is Coming," I say with a knowing smile.

"Yes, they are the second richest family in Westeros. I was also wondering if you were going to make any changes on the council?" he asks.

"Yes, I want to add a few positions. I plan to keep Varys as my master of whispers, everyone else is replaceable," I say with a shrug.

"What of your Uncles?" he asks with confusion.

"Oh, well I wanted it to be a surprise when I announced it in court but I plan to make Uncle Stannis Hand of the King. I think Uncle Tyrion has done a very good job as master of coin but I plan to make a new position for him. Uncle Renly has no business being on the council, I plan to talk with him soon. He is Master of Law but he allows the gold cloaks free reign of the city and I'm not even sure he actually knows our laws. Not to mention Storm's End has been run by a Penrose for decades when the rightful Lord was given Dragonstone instead! Honestly Father has left me with such a mess to clean up! The Seven Kingdoms better be glad I'm not more like my Mother," I vent while pacing back and forth.

"Well, Stannis will be a good Hand. He is strict and serious but honorable, I hold a lot of respect for him. I thought when you made Tyrion Master of Coin it was a mistake but he has proven himself and it has only been a week. I am afraid Renly basically raised himself after the ship crash and Robert just let him do whatever he wants but if you try to take Storm's End from him, he will show the fury the Baratheon's are so known for," he explains in a calm voice. Honestly if Ned didn't hate it so much here I would keep him around, he is amazing in every way. After saying my goodbyes I leave and start heading back to my office. As soon as I get there Gendry and Jon walk in.

"Why the long face, brother?" Gendry asks as he and Jon sit at the table.

"Uncle Renly," I groaned.

"Oh I have heard rumors about him. Hopefully they are not truthful," Jon says with a grossed out look on his face.

"Oh, They are true. I caught Him and Loras Tyrell hiding in the back corner of the gardens just the other day," Gendry says, shaking his head.

"Is the practice common in the South? In the North I have never heard of men with other men," Jon asks with confusion on his beautiful face. Oh, if only I was a girl in this life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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