Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It's been a week since Pycelle and Bealish were executed. Father allowed me to swing the sword and I could tell Lord Stark was particularly pleased with my decision. Hopefully it earned me some brownie points. All of Baelish's assets and properties were given to the crown. The three brothels he owned are now owned by the crown even though I said having a total of 5 brothels in one city was ridiculous, Father disagreed of course. Though soon he won't have a say. After liquidating all his assets we have enough money to pay half of the crown's debt to the iron bank. The unnamed keep of House Baelish is currently under the crown's ownership as well. Maybe I can give it to Jon or Gendry.

Uncle Tyrion has been busy at work this week trying to fix the mess that Baelish left us in. I have to admit he does make a good Master of Coin. I am currently waiting for him in my office so I can discuss a trip I want him to make for me.

"You will be happy to know that I have just met with Ros who will be running Baelish's brothels and she said business has picked up since Baelish lost his head," Tyrion says smirking as he pours wine.

"Well, then she will be the most disappointed when I take the crown. As I have a plan for those brothels that does not include prostitutes," I deadpan. His face instantly changes to horror.

"WHAT?!" he yells, grabbing his chest and hyperventilating.

"You are so dramatic. King's Landing only needs one brothel," I say rolling my eyes.

"Next you will outlaw prostitution," he says, wiping tears from his eyes.

"That is actually a good idea,Uncle," I say contemplating if I really should do that.

"NO! PLEASE MERCY!" He yells falling to the ground and weeping.

"Fine, Fine you may keep your prostitutes," I say absolutely done with this conversation.

"I truly do not understand your hatred of brothels," he states confusingly.

"Of course you don't. Anyway I have asked you here because I have a job for you. I need you to make a trip to the Iron Bank in Bravoss. Use the money we got from Baelish to pay off the debt. Let me know how much more you need before you leave. I will send you with two Kingsguards. I want you home in time for the trial. Also I need you to visit the Twins on your way home," I explain.

"The Twins? What do you want with Walder Frey?" He asks, confused.
"I want him to join the Lannister's if there is to be a war," I say simply.

"You want him to join my Father just to turn around and betray him?" he asks, putting the pieces together.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want. Knowing him he will want to pass off more of his spawn. Make sure he understands I will marry No One except Sansa Stark. Sansa will accept another handmaid however. You can take a son or grandson for a squire, I suppose another can squire for Tommen," I speak though I am deep in thought. Could I marry Greyjoy to a Frey?

"I am not a knight, I do not need a squire," he replies.

"He will not care, he just has too many kids and nowhere for them to go. Since Theon Greyjoy is a Ward of House Stark it would be up to Lord Stark to arrange a marriage for him, yes?" I ask.

"He is only a ward for House Stark because your Father commanded it. So technically Lord Stark or the King can arrange a marriage for him," he explains.

"Alright so if Lord Walder insists on a marriage tell him that Theon Greyjoy will marry one of his daughters or granddaughters but he will get to choose whom it is," I say after contemplation. "You know Uncle, you could always offer yourself up for marriage," I taunt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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