FOURTY - FOUR: more than you'll ever know

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"violet for fucks sake, open this door right now." aaliyah banged on the studio door.

"who's that?" heather was clearly annoyed of who was disturbing me right now.

"aaliyah." i answered.

"ahh, the best friend that fired you." heather instantly recalled our first conversation in years.

"you can't blame her, she was right to fire me. i would've fired me." i got up to open the door.

"you go out to her, she can't come in!" heather reminded me.

"i know." i sighed while unlocking the door. "wait, you can't come in." i stopped her from coming in and instead i joined her outside.

"you should come back to pulchritudinous until you can support yourself on your own." she started.

"i am supporting myself on my own already, thank you for you concern." i smiled.

"violet i'm serious, you're going to go dead broke. just come back for a little while, don't self sobotage yourself because of what happened." she sighed in frustration.

"and i'm serious, i already have a manager and i have an exisbision to get ready for in a week." i explained.

"oh." she nodded and it went all silent between us for a bit. "be careful with that... thing. and good luck with your project exisbision thingy." she said then walked away, but took a step back, "you can still shop at the store, and yes billie and clauds will still get a discount." then she walked away.

"what'd she want?" heather asked, when i locked the door back up.

"she was scared i'd go broke and told me to come back, i told her i'm good." i shrugged and walked back to my canvas.

"keep her in your life, she's a good one."

"i know she is, but she's pissed right now. she can't even look me in the eye."


"claudia wants to host a girls night out and then turn it into a slumber party at her's. she's planing on kicking out her husband and her child." billie said while she drew on her brand new ipad.

"who's gonna be there?" i asked.

"i think two of her friends, drew, zoe and odessa and she was asking if you'd want to join us too." she put whatever she was drawing on hold and waited for my answer.

"when is it?" i asked.

"oh it's on the weekend, it wouldn't interfere with heather." she answered.

"yeah sure." i nodded. i frankly would rather spend my weekend doing something rather more mundane, but i haven't been the best girlfriend lately and i knew it'd make billie happy.

a smile invaded her face and her dimples were on full display. "yay!" she softly said then looked back down at her tablet. "do you think this looks good?" she raised the ipad to face me. she drew an animated blue octopus that looked straight out of a movie.

unidentified | billie eilish fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang