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In the vast universe, there are many mysteries. Some of us look up at the night sky and wonder what is really going on. The others do not care, and lead on with their boring lives.

But can everything be answered? Probably. But we'll never know the answer to that question itself. However, these recordings are not about that. This is about an event that took place around millions of years back.

And where was it? It was in the Andromeda Galaxy. There was a solar system there, exactly like ours. And there was an Earth there too, which was similar to ours. However, their Earth was already on its death point, when people realised they had no hope.

And why do you think that is? It's because they had the same traits that we do. Carelessness about the environment. Everyone says "It's a big deal!". But who actually helps the environment?

Recklessness is another cause. That planet went on to create machines. Machines so advanced, it helped in the destruction of our planet. If we're not careful, the same could happen to us.

Now you may say, no, they're programmed to do the right thing! They can't go wrong! Those guys were stupid! That's not entirely true. But one must remember, in the wrong hands, technology does more harm than good.

This recording is narrated by legends. Apollo Drakos and Phoenix Drakos were merely schoolkids and were cared little about what was happening before it began. But after their heroism, they are now considered legends by everyone who has heard about them. Let's listen to the recording now.

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