[P] Failing Servers

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Today was like any other morning. The servers ran smoothly as usual, which allowed for a nice, calming game session. Everything was perfect. Nothing would go wrong.

That was until...

"Hey." One of the workers waved to another.

They refused to respond back, their ignorance was due to something on their computer. Something rather...eye-catching.

"Not now, Builderman. Something's up." The worker on the PC replied in a exhausted manner.

"..What's the matter?" Builderman had raised an eyebrow, as they walked over to the electronic the other worker had tried to deal with.

With a lack of a response once more, the worker opened up a tab as swiftly as they could, as a small loading bar appeared on it. It started making progress little by little as the worker began to panic. Something was happening, yet Builderman had barely any context.

"Roblox! Tell me what's going on..." Builderman managed in a nervous tone that would gradually increase as this would continue.

Roblox sighed, "It alerted me of an issue with a unknown cause. Some players are experiencing a case of...disappearing and being forced into another game."

"Well that's strange. Hopefully it doesn't..." Builderman trailed off, eyes widened on the computer.

Roblox blinked wildly, as they noticed what now showed up on the computer, "What is tha-"

Suddenly, a huge crack emerged from the screen, as it broke what had currently been on it. The crack glowed a strong, nearly blinding white, as the room brightened from the sight of the crack. Roblox and Builderman looked absolutely bewildered.

"That can't be good." Roblox stated, as they got up to check what occurred on another computer.


A portal in a random experience slowly faded into existence, as a group of Robloxians were thrown out of it followed by a pretty long fall.

"OW!" A voice yelled out after they hit the ground.

"WHAT THE?!" Another exclaimed.


"I never saw this coming, you know!!" Said creator responded back.

The music of the current round the group had been in before the whole incident took place had still ringed out in the unfamiliar area with it's tune. The current group without a doubt appeared very confused.

One began to speak up again, as they glanced around at their surroundings,"Whh..Where are we?"

Which brings us to the present time. And it just might get worse from here...

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