Minecraft is for 10 year olds

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I was a frequent gamer, I first started playing games when I was in 4th grade because my brothers were nerds and that's all they did. In the beginning of 10th grade I started a twitter account. I liked and enjoyed watching some gamers. I followed them on twitter and did as usual.

But then I found an account called "@PrivateFearless" over twitter. The AVI was alluring, and I immediately hit the follow button.

After a few weeks I started seeing him post more tweets with these "cube" members who were gamers. Minecraft gamers to be exact. I followed them and carried on with my life.

But then, something unusual happen. I got a DM from that Isaac guy. He simply just said "Hello." I thought of it as him being friendly and replied with a "Hi :-)." It then proceeded to a normal conversation about our age and our countries in which we lived. Isaac told me he lived in Ireland. I told him I lived in America. He told me about his friend Darach and his inside jokes about "cocks and creme eggs."

After that day I was extremely fond of Isaac. He told me about how he wanted to go to conventions and I just agreed politely. Then, it happened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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