how it all began (with a touch of dramatis personae)

Start from the beginning

Their hut on Nevarro became more than just a place to rest; it became a symbol of their love and the life they were building together. 


One evening, as the sun began to set and cast a warm golden glow over their hut, Din and Bo found themselves alone, their hearts filled with an undeniable affection. The air was charged with a sense of anticipation as if they both knew that this moment would shape their future together.

They sat together, their bodies close, their eyes locked in a tender gaze. The words they exchanged were soft and filled with a depth of emotion that surpassed any spoken language. It was in that silence that they found the courage to take the next step in their journey.

Their hands intertwined, their touch electric, as they leaned in and shared a gentle, passionate kiss. In that embrace, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only their love and desire for one another.

The love that blossomed between Din and Bo during that intimate moment was a culmination of their shared experiences, trust, and the deep connection they had formed. They both knew that their love was something special, something worth cherishing and nurturing.

Days turned into weeks, and soon they discovered that their love had created a beautiful new life. Bo carried their unborn child, within her, a testament to the love they shared and the future they were building together.


The time when Din and Bo discovered that Bo was expecting brought a mix of joy, excitement, and another touch of complexity to their lives. While their feelings for each other had deepened, their lives still remained somewhat separate due to their respective responsibilities. 

Bo's role as Mand'alor kept her occupied with the task of rebuilding Mandalore and leading her people. She had numerous obligations and responsibilities to fulfill, which often required her presence on Mandalore and in various meetings and negotiations.

Din, on the other hand, continued his missions alongside Grogu, working to eradicate the remaining Imperial presence in the galaxy. His commitment to protecting Grogu and serving the greater good meant that he had to spend considerable time away from Nevarro and Bo.

They had to navigate the logistics of their relationship and find ways to be together amidst their demanding schedules. Communication became crucial as they worked to maintain a strong connection despite the physical distance between them.

There were moments of frustration and longing, as they yearned to be in each other's arms more frequently. The uncertainty and challenges of their situation added a certain level of chaos to their lives. 

They found solace in holo calls, exchanging messages, and making plans for the future. They cherished the times they could steal away moments together, even if it meant adjusting their schedules and traveling long distances to be in each other's company.

As the months went by, they gradually worked towards merging their lives more fully. Discussions about their future became more serious and plans were made to create a stable and nurturing environment for their growing family. The chaos began to settle as they established a clearer understanding of their status and committed to building a life together.

It was also during this time Din and Bo-Katan face a crucial decision: to merge their clans. 

With their united clan, Din and Bo-Katan continue their journey to rebuild Mandalore. Their story becomes a legend among Mandalorians, inspiring future generations to come together and forge a brighter future. And as Din and Bo-Katan stand side by side, leading their people towards a new era of prosperity, they find solace in knowing they have created a lasting legacy of family, unity, and honor.


On this note, we won't elaborate further about Din Grogu, as his great tales will be unfolded in another snippet book. And he already has three seasons holo videos of his brave adventures being recorded, anyway!

But the First Son is still the best, I assure you.

Let's put the spotlight on his younger siblings that he loves so very much.


Nightly Holo Calls of Djarin-Kryze Clan: and other recorded snippetsWhere stories live. Discover now