⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter five ୧ ⎯⎯

Start from the beginning

Well, i would say Lucy got us in more trouble. Actually going to the party. But natsu didn't need to destroy the whole dock.

"Yeah, he got us into a bit of trouble." I said, sighing. Before levy had a chance to respond though, i heard a young boy talking to the master.

"How come my dad haven't come back yet?" He said sadly. Poor guy. "Your starting to get on my Nerves Romeo. Your a wizard son. Have faith in your Father." The master said.

That's not very fair. I noticed natsu listening in aswell. "But he said he'd be back in three days? And he's been gone for over a week now!" The boy said slightly louder.

Giving the situation more of my attention i turned my body slightly around more to have a more comfortable view.

"If I remember correctly, your father took a job in mount hokabe" the master said, sipping on his drink.

"That's right! And it's not that far from here so why don't somebody go look for him?!" The boy screamed, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

Seeing this, made my fist clench slightly.

"Listen kid! Your old man's a wizard. And like any other wizard in this guild He can take care of himself!" Feeling irrated on hearing this. I got up, and started heading towards the guild exit. I don't know the kids father. But if he needs help, I could atleast help.


POV: 3rd person.

Violet walked out of the guild. And natsu's walks out following her with happy. Although natsu didn't notice her presence missing.

Marajane explains to Lucy that she thinks natsu sees himself in Romeo as his father went missing. Lucy frowned. Before heading to follow natsu. Wondering where violet has got to aseell. Only being able to follow one at a time, she chose to follow the reckless fire dragon mage.

"Why did you come with us" natsu spoke, lying down on the chair in a trailer back to us usual sickness.

"I thought I could help" Lucy smiled forcefully. "You really do get bad motion sickness don't you?" Lucy said. Before turning away from natsu slightly, putting both her hands on the cheeks closing her eyes "It's just another reason to feel sorry for you!" She spoke

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?!?" Natsu responded confused.

"Oh! Nothing forget I said anything!!" Lucy responded awkwardly.

Lucy looked towards a small window before leaning back crossing her arms. "I hope violet is okay"

Natsu seemed to look at her confused "why? What's wrong with violet?" He said, fighting back his sickness.

"After Romeo came in, and the master yelled at him, violet walked out. I was going to follow her, but you left as well. So I followed you." Lucy responded softly.

Natsu sat up slightly thinking. "Why would she leave? She doesn't know macao?" Happy joined In on the conversation.

Lucy shooked her head slightly "I don't know. She just walked out. Maybe she just wasn't feeling well. I'll look for her after we find macao" Lucy responded.

"Aye, well help!" Happy said before starting to eat one of his fishes.


POV: Violet

Hearing about romeo and his father made me think, once I settle into my new house. I should really write towards my parents.

Grabbing my jacket and pulling it closer to my body, i carry on walking though mount hokabe.

"I didn't think it would be this cold" I muttered to myself, silently wishing I stayed at the guild.

Suddenly, stopping i notice a cave entrance. I don't know if Romeo's father is in here. I don't even know the job he went on. I just wanted to help him.

"Okay, violet. You got this" i said, muttering to myself before entering the cave.

The cave was a golden blue and frozen over. I need to watch my step otherwise I could slip. Entering what I assume to be the main cave room,

I'm met with a giant monster. The monster stopped looking at me before I saw hearts in his eyes.

The monster suddenly started running towards me. Not only did it look creepy, but the heart eyes made or creepier!

Just before the monster got to me, i jumped out of the way. Slightly hurting my leg in the process, but the monster was sent straight into the cave wall.

"Crap" i said to myself, pushing myself off the floor turning around ready to cast a spell if need be. Suddenly, the monster started sniffing the air, before running out of the entrance i shortly came on.

"What the heck?" I spoke loudly. Highly confused. Taking the monsters leaving as a opportunity to carry on searching the cave in search for Romeo's father.


Natsu's continually shouting for macao, while Lucy is shivering in one of her celestial spirits Horologium.

While natsu's is close to a edge shouting for macao. The monster came up attacking natsu. Snow flew everywhere. Once the monster knocked natsu off his feet, he turned and went running towards Lucy. Lucy didn't notice it was a monster until the monster started shaking Horologium furiously.

"Me like human woman" the monster spoke toward Lucy, sticking his toung out when speaking.

Natsu got up, smashing his fists together looking at the monster ready to attack. Although he held back, allowing the monster to run off with Lucy screaming from Horologium for natsu's help.

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