Tucker stopped ahead of the group, and everyone stopped quickly. "What!" Eric called out.

"Look at that cave. Let's check it out."

"Unh, uh. The tour guide did not say anything about a cave. We are not checking that out." Paige said loudly.

"Exactly, I didn't want to be a Debbie downer on this trip, but this is exactly how a group of black people die." Miranda said, agreeing with Paige.

"I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. You haven't lived enough... You still haven't had enough orgasm." He told her quietly.

"Uh, Benn." Miranda dragged. He was playing with her, but it was turning her on.

"I'm just going to peak inside," James voiced. "Me too." Eric said, moving off of the four-wheeler.

"It looks like it's too much of a tight space in there." James called out.

"Looks like you got that in common," Ben told Miranda.

Miranda's eyes widened, and she looked around, knowing that he was loud as hell. Naomi smirked, catching Ben's comment.

She rolled her eyes and whispered in Ben's ear. "Stop talking about it."

Ben chuckled and rubbed his chin. "I like teasing you."

"I'm going to get you back," she told him firmly.

"I think I'm looking forward to it."

"Be scared, Dr. Warren." Miranda whispered in his ear before nibbling on it. She didn't even know what came over her. This was way out of her character. She only had to attribute it to her 3 orgasms. How could you not act this way when his face was smothered between your legs the night before.

Later that evening, everyone went to dinner. Ben kept his eye on Tucker. He didn't appreciate the way he kept staring at Miranda. She wasn't his girlfriend but she dam sure might as well be and as far as he knew she was.

"Dance with me." Ben told Miranda, extending his hand. So they could participate with the rest of the couples on the dance floor.

Miranda got up and placed her hand in his. She actually loved to dance with him. He was a good dancer.

Ben placed his hands on Miranda's hips as they moved together. He spun her and pulled her into him. Her back was against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her.

She grinded against him as they entered into their own zone. It was something about his muscular arms wrapped around her. It felt protective and cherished. Closing her eyes for a second, Miranda soaked in everything about the moment. She took his his scent that was engulfed around her. It smelled earthy but clean.

"I think our food is arriving at the table," Ben whispered and Miranda opened her eyes. He unwrapped his arms from around her and grabbed her hand as they walked back to their seat.

At the house and back in their room, Miranda came out of the bathroom with a robe on and nothing underneath. She looked at Ben, laying on his back on the bed, looking up at his phone, and she smirked. She was actually nervous as hell because here she was about to initiate sex with this man. Her first time having sex in 5 years. She felt like a Virgin all over again except she knew exactly how the process worked and what was expected at the end.

Miranda walked over and climbed onto the bed before straddling his waist. "What yah doing?" She asked.

"Checking my emails,"

"Is that better than looking at me?"

"I don't think anything is better than that." He returned, putting his phone on the nightstand. He looked at the silk light blue robe, and his eyes traveled back up to her eyes.

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