In my apartment, I took all the mirrors down, and off the walls so I wouldn't have to look at myself. I swallowed. This was the first time I've seen myself in years.

I stared into the reflective glass, I can still remember how the scar on my eyebrow and bottom lip looked, how it dripped blood when it was fresh.  I reached up and gently traced the one on my eyebrow, it started at the right, and jagged off to the left, ending above my eye, and the one on my lip, used to go all the way down my chin, but some of the scar tissue had healed over, leaving a tiny cut on the right side of my lip. I cringed as I remembered Keith's words.

" Can't be too pretty with a fucked up face now can you? You should just kill yourself. Ugly little shit"

As he spoke, he had began to cut me, he cut my lips, he tried for my eye, but I had moved away resulting in the scar across my eyebrow. I turned, getting a good look at my back, from when all three of them had pinned me down, and had began to carve the skin on my back, while also using me as a fucking ashtray. The hospital visit and the CPS calls were terrible after that. But they still did nothing about those brats.

My eyes trailed back up to my face, looking at my dulled e/c eyes, my once short and well kept hair was much longer now, coming to my shoulders in a mess of layers. A co worker had offered to cut my hair for me several times. But I always shrugged her off, she didn't seem all that interested in really cutting my hair, just more so trying to make me go on a date with her. I chuckled as I turned away, flicking the water tab and adjusting the settings.

" Yea sorry Kate, I'm not interested in house wives. Cut your husband's hair"

I chuckled to myself, I was sure to be quick about my clean up, once I got out I dried off and  pulled my boxers and pants on, and I threw my unbuttoned shirt on before placing my towel on my shoulders to help with water dripping down, and made my way back into my bedroom.

~Liu's/Sully's POV~

I looked around n/n's childhood bedroom, we had spent a lot of time together in here, before the events took place. " I wonder" I muttered, jumping off his bed, going over to his desk and opening the bottom drawer. I rummaged a lil before pulling up a small box.

I bit my lip, opening the small case. Inside were photobooth photos, and a few small purple flowers tied together with a string.

" Still here" I smiled to myself and pulled the photos out. There were a few where it was all three of us boys together, all dressed up in different costumes.

"What's this?" Sully asked.

" Halloween photos. You wouldn't remember. But we had moved in during Halloween, and we stayed out of school for a week to adjust before we got sent in. Maybe if we hadn't of taken the bus that day, we could've been taking more photos like this" I muttered, my eyes tracing the photo booth pics.

In the top one, it was all three of us, M/n in the middle, while Jeff and I were at his sides. Jeff was dressed as the mummy, I had dressed as a vampire, and sweet M/n, he had such a cute costume. He dressed up as a little devil. We were all grinning,

In the second Jeff had decided it'd be funny to spray silly string at us, so by the third photo he was pushed out the booth. My eyes flicked down to the last one. I had tired to kiss him at the time, but we didn't have much time left. Especially with Jeff.

Fucking Jeff.

My anger began to rise, when the bedroom door flicked open. I turned my head to see m/n, dressed messily holding a plate of food for us to share. My eyes darted down and to his exposed chest, I looked away, feeling my face flush.

I Wish I was Never his FriendWhere stories live. Discover now